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定 价:¥28.00

作 者: 戴正阳 主编
出版社: 北京大学出版社
标 签: 高职高专


ISBN: 9787301188521 出版时间: 2011-06-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 215 字数:  






Project I Automobile
 1.1  The Lead-in of the Project
 1.2  The Contents of the Project
 1.3  What is Mechatronics (Task I)
 1.4  Engineering Mechanics of the Automobiles (Task 2)
 1.5  Engineering Materials of the Automobiles (Task 3)
 1.6  Language Study
 1.7  Practical skill
Project II  Robots
 2.1  The Lead-in of the Project
 2.2  The Contents of the Project
 2.3  The Mechanical Elements of the Robots (Task 1)
 2.4  Motor and Motion Control Systems of the Robots (Task2)
 2.5  Industrial Robots (Task 3)
 2.6  Language Study
 2.7  Practical Skill
Project III  Elevator
 3.1  The Lead-in of the Project
 3.2  The Contents of the Project
 3.3  PLC of the Elevator (Task 1)
 3.4  Sensors of the Elevators (Task 2)
 3.5  Hydraulic and Pneumatic Elevators (Task 3)
 3.6  Language Study
 3.7  Practical Skill
Project IV  MP4 Player
 4.1  The Lead-in of the Project
 4.2  The Contents of the Project
 4.3  What is MCU (Task 1)
 4.4  Semiconductor Materials (Task 2)
 4.5  Circuit of the MP4 Player (Task 3)
 4.6  Language Study
 4.7  Practical Skill
Project V  Mechanical Design and Manufacture
 5.1  The Lead-in of the Project
 5.2  The Contents of the Project
 5.3  Basic Knowledge (Task 1)
 5.4  Material Forming Processes (Task 2)
 5.5  Components of CIMS (Task3)
 5.6  Language Study
 5.7  Practical Skill
Project VI  Modern and New Technology
 6.1  The Lead-in of the Project
 6.2  The Contents of the Project
 6.3  Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS) Technology (Task1)
 6.4  Future Robots (Task 2)
 6.5  Opto-Mechatronic Systems (Task 3)
 6.6  Language Study 
 6.7  Practical Skill
Project VII  dob Application in Mechatronic Trades
 7.1  Job Advertisement (Task 1)
 7.2  Letters of Application (Task 2) 
 7.3  Resume (Task 3)
 7.4  Interview (Task 4) 
 7.5  Exercise: Translate the Following Paragraphs
Appendix  Translation
