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定 价:¥28.00

作 者: 白晓红 主编
出版社: 黄河水利出版社
丛编项: 普通高等学校土建类"十二五"应用型规划教材
标 签: 大学专业英语教材


ISBN: 9787550900059 出版时间: 2011-04-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 219 字数:  






前言Unit 1 Civil Engineering Text:Civil Engineering Reading:What is Design? 科技英语翻译(一)——翻译的基本概念Unit 2 Urban Design Text:Is Urban Design a Discipline? Reading:What is Urban Design? 科技英语翻译(二)——科技英语翻译中词语的翻译技巧Unit 3 Architecture Text:Basic Elements of Architecture Reading:Modifying Elements of Architecture 科技英语翻译(三)——科技英语翻译中句子成分的翻译技巧Unit 4 Modern Bridges Text:Modern Bridges Reading:Birth of the Modern Bridge 科技英语写作(一)——科技英语文章的类型Unit 5 Reinforced Concrete Structures Text:Reinforced Concrete Structures Reading:Reinforced Concrete 科技英语写作(二)——研究论文写作之一Unit 6 Composite Structures Text:Composite Structures Reading:Tall Buildings 科技英语写作(三)——研究论文写作之二Unit 7 Space Structure Text:Space Frame Structures(1) Reading:Space Frame Structures(2) 科技英语写作(四)——研究论文写作之三Unit 8 Foundations Text:Foundations Reading:Deep Foundations 科技英语写作(五)——研究论文写作之四Unit 9 Project Management Text:What is Project Management? Reading:Organizing for Project Management 科技英语写作(六)——研究论文写作之五Unit 10 Construction Engineering Text:Construction Engineering Reading:Project Planning 科技英语写作(七)——研究论文写作之六Unit 11 Structure Design Text:Loads and Design Process Reading:Structural DesignUnit 12 Construction Materiai Text:Structural Form and Materials(1) Reading:Structural Form and Materials(2)Unit 13 Construction Contract Text:Introduction of Contact Management Reading:Changes of ContractUnit 14 Tendering and Bidding Text:Procedure of Tender Reading:The Tendering DocumentsUnit 15 Underground Space Structure Text:Underground Space Utilization Reading:Underground Structures DesignUnit 16 Construction Supervisory Text:Supervisory Skills(1) Reading:Supervisory Skills(2)Unit 17 Earthquake Engineering Text:Earthquake Damage to Structures Reading:Damage as a Result of Structural ProblemsVocabularyReferences
