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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语大学英语金融英语听说



定 价:¥25.90

作 者: 陈建辉,汤新煌 等编
出版社: 外语教学与研究出版社
丛编项: 高等学校英语拓展系列教程
标 签: 大学专业英语教材


ISBN: 9787513506083 出版时间: 2011-03-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 153 字数:  


  《高等学校英语拓展系列教程:金融英语听说》根据ESP教学的特点和金融业务的性质,突出任务式的学习方式,帮助学习者了解金融业务的操作,提高职业英语交际技能。内容全面 涵盖金融业务的基本方面,涉及银行机构、存款业务、贷款业务、财务报表、金融工具、国际结算、外汇交易、保险和证券八个主题。听力素材形式多样 通过短对话、长对话、新闻报道、讲座等形式再现真实的金融业务语言环境。口语输出活动强调真实性,通过角色扮演、小组讨论、调研报告、新闻发布等活动帮助学习者培养真实场景中应用专业英语进行交际和解决问题的能力。教师用书提供练习参考答案、录音脚本、脚本译文以及补充知识和相关术语等丰富的教学补充资源。




Unit 1 Banks and Banking Organizations
Ⅰ Warm-up
Ⅱ Shod Dialogs
Ⅲ Long Conversations
1 Bank of China
2 Foreign Banks in China
Ⅳ Lecture & News Repod
1 Banks in China
2 News on the HSBC Bank
Ⅴ Research & Presentation
Ⅵ Technical Terms
Unit 2 Deposit Services
Ⅰ Warm-up
Ⅱ Shod Dialogs
Ⅲ Long Conversations
1 Bank of China
2 Foreign Banks in China
Ⅳ Lecture & News Repod
1 Banks in China
2 News on the HSBC Bank
Ⅴ Research & Presentation
Ⅵ Technical Terms
Unit 3 Lending Business
Ⅰ Warm-up
Ⅱ Shod Dialogs
Ⅲ Long Conversations
1 Bank of China
2 Foreign Banks in China
Ⅳ Lecture & News Repod
1 Banks in China
2 News on the HSBC Bank
Ⅴ Research & Presentation
Ⅵ Technical Terms
Unit 4 Financial Statements
Ⅰ Warm-up
Ⅱ Shod Dialogs
Ⅲ Long Conversations
1 Bank of China
2 Foreign Banks in China
Ⅳ Lecture & News Repod
1 Banks in China
2 News on the HSBC Bank
Ⅴ Research & Presentation
Ⅵ Technical Terms
Unit 5 Financial Instruments
Ⅰ Warm-up
Ⅱ Shod Dialogs
Ⅲ Long Conversations
1 Bank of China
2 Foreign Banks in China
Ⅳ Lecture & News Repod
1 Banks in China
2 News on the HSBC Bank
Ⅴ Research & Presentation
Ⅵ Technical Terms
Unit 6 International Settlement
Ⅰ Warm-up
Ⅱ Shod Dialogs
Ⅲ Long Conversations
1 Bank of China
2 Foreign Banks in China
Ⅳ Lecture & News Repod
1 Banks in China
2 News on the HSBC Bank
Ⅴ Research & Presentation
Ⅵ Technical Terms
Unit 7 Foreign Exchange Dealings
Ⅰ Warm-up
Ⅱ Shod Dialogs
Ⅲ Long Conversations
1 Bank of China
2 Foreign Banks in China
Ⅳ Lecture & News Repod
1 Banks in China
2 News on the HSBC Bank
Ⅴ Research & Presentation
Ⅵ Technical Terms
Unit 8 Insurance and Securities
Ⅰ Warm-up
Ⅱ Shod Dialogs
Ⅲ Long Conversations
1 Bank of China
2 Foreign Banks in China
Ⅳ Lecture & News Repod
1 Banks in China
2 News on the HSBC Bank
Ⅴ Research & Presentation
Ⅵ Technical Terms
