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作 者: 周小微,陈永丽 主编
出版社: 北京对外经济贸易大学出版社有限责任公司
标 签: 大学专业英语教材


ISBN: 9787811349214 出版时间: 2011-02-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 191 字数:  






Unit One  Communication and InterculturalCommunication
 Reading 1  Communication
 Reading 2  Communication in a Global Village
 Reading 3  Intercultural Communication
Unit Two  Culture and Language
 Reading 1  Culture
 Reading 2  The Iceberg Model of Culture
 Reading 3  Coping with Cultural Differences
 Reading 4  Culture Shock--New York City to Rural France
 Reading 5  Ctilture and Language---Language MirrorsValues
 Reading 6  Translation and Culture
Unit Three  Verbal Communication
 Reading 1  The Meaning in Words
 Reading 2  The Cultural Connotation of Chinese KinshipTerms
 Reading 3  How to Manage Verbal Intercultural CommunicationEffectively
Unit Four  Nonverbal Communication
?Reading 1  The Power of Nonverbal Communication
 Reading 2  Body Language
 Reading 3  How to Understand Monochronic and Polychr0nic Timeto Improve International Business Communications
 Reading 4  How's Your Personal Distance--Watch ThisSpace
Unit Five  Communication Style---High and Low Context
 Reading 1 General Introduction to High-context and Low-contextCultures
 Reading 2  High-low Context as a Communication Tool forUnderstanding Cultural Differences
 Reading 3  Chinese Communication Style
 Unit Six  Cultural Dimension
 Reading 1  Hofstede's Five Cultural Dimensions
 Reading 2  The Drawbacks of Applying the Hofstede Model
Unit Seven  Managing Intercultural Conflicts
 Reading 1  Conflict
 Reading 2  Culture and Conflict
 Reading 3  Destructive vs. Constructive Conflict
Unit Eight  Intercultural Negotiation
 Reading 1  Cross-Cultural Negotiations
 Reading 2  Japanese Negotiation Style
 Reading 3  The 36 Chinese Strategies Applied toNegotiation
Unit Nine  Intercultural Management
 Reading 1  Intercultural Management
 Reading 2  Intercultural Synergy in Mergers &Acquisitions
 Reading 3  KFC and McDonald's  a Model of BlendedCulture
 Reading 4  The Art of Communication is the Language ofLeadership
Unit Ten  Understanding East and West Cultures and TheirBehaviors
 Reading 1  Japanese Culture
 Reading 2  Key American Values
 Reading 3  The Impact of Cultural Differences When EnteringChinese Market
 Reading 4  Working with the French
 Reading 5  India
