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英语(第二册 试用本)

英语(第二册 试用本)

定 价:¥17.00

作 者: 鞠玉梅 主编
出版社: 山东大学出版社
丛编项: 山东省五年制师范学校统编教材
标 签: 其它教材


ISBN: 9787560722740 出版时间: 2011-06-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 214 字数:  




暂缺《英语(第二册 试用本)》作者简介


Unit One
Dialogue: Back from the Holidays
Text A: A Humorous Picnic
Grammar: The Future Perfect Tense
Text B: The HeroUnit Two
Dialogue: The Exam Comes First
Text A: The Aim of Education
Grammar: The Present Perfect Progressive Tense
Text B: Education in the United StatesUnit Three
Dialogue: Visiting a Computer Software Company
Text A: High-tech Revolution
Grammar: The Past Perfect Progressive Tense
Text B: UK Aims to Have All Schools On-line
Test Paper OneUnit Four
Dialogue: What's Up?
Text A: Volcano, Earthquake and Hurricane
Grammar: The Modal Verb (I)
Text B: Can It Be True?Unit Five
Dialogue: What Do You Think of It?
Text A: What's Your Real Name?
Grammar: The Modal Verb (II)
Text B: Pets for PrisonerUnit Six
Dialogue: In a Bank
Text A: Banks in the Future
Grammar: The Gerund (I)
Text B: The History of Money
Test Paper TwoUnit Seven
Dialogue: In a Park
Text A: The Media of U. S. A.
Grammar: The Gerund (II)
Text B: BBC and VOAUnit Eight
Dialogue: Hans Christian Andersen
Text A: The Little Match Girl
Grammar: The Present Participle (I)
Text B: The Emperor's New ClothesUnit Nine
Dialogue: Going to the Museum
Text A: Museums in the Modern World
Grammar: The Present Participle (II)
Text B : Louvre
Test Paper ThreeUnit Ten
Dialogue: What Do You Do for Fun?
Text A.. Hobbies
Grammar: The Present Participle (III)
Text B: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Skate into ShanghaiUnit Eleven
Dialogue : Family
Text A: Daddy's Little Girl
Grammar: The Past Participle
Text B: Remember My GrandparentsUnit Twelve
Dialogue: Travel by Train
Text A: America——a Nation on Wheels
Grammar: The Difference Between the Present Participle and the PastParticiple
Text B: On the Move
Test Paper Four
Supplementary UnitsUnit Thirteen
Dialogue: Classical Music and Pop Music
Text A: The Story of Jazz
Text B: Louis ArmstrongUnit Fourteen
Dialogue: Go Camping in Such Weather
Text A : Thunderstorm
Text B : Wind
Grammatical Structures
