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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语英语学习/理论剑桥国际英语教程学生用书4(修订版)



定 价:¥59.90

作 者: (美)理查兹 等著
出版社: 外语教学与研究出版社
标 签: 剑桥国际英语教程


ISBN: 9787513506359 出版时间: 2011-03-01 包装: 平装
开本: 大16开 页数: 151 字数:  


  《剑桥国际英语教程(修订版)》(4级和5级)是《剑桥国际英语教程》(4级和5级)的全面修订版。本教程主要面向中高级水平的英语学习者, 它为已完成人门级和中级课程的学习者提供了继续学习的绝佳材料。本教程可与在全世界英语学习者之中享有盛誉的《剑桥国际英语教程(第5版)》的入门级至3级衔接使用。《剑桥国际英语教程(修订版)》更全面地体现了国际上最新的英语教学方法, 为读者奉献了更时尚的内容、更多元的语法练习、全新的阅读材料、更丰富的词汇以及更多的听说实


  Pack C.Richards国际知名教授,在英语语言习得、教师培训、教材设计领域享有声望。曾在美国、中国、新加坡、新西兰、加拿大、印度尼西亚和巴西等国大学任教多年,出版过(剑桥国际英语教程青少版)等多部著作。


Unit 1 Friends and family pages
A What kind of person are you?
B Every family is different
Unit 2 Mistakes and mysteries
A Life lessons
B I can't explain it!
Unit 3 Exploring new cities
A Popular destinations
B My kind of town
Units 1-3 Communication review
Unit 4 Early birds and night owls
A lt's about time!
B Tossing and turning
Unit 5 Communication
A Making conversation
B lt's personal
Unit 6 What's the real story?
A That's some story!
B Storytelling
Units 4-6 Communication review
Unit 7 The information age
A A weird, wired world
B Information overload
Unit 8 Putting the mind to work
A Exploring creativity
B Ideas that work
Unit 9 Generally speaking
A Howtypical are you?
B Problems and solutions
Units 7-9 Communication review
Unit 10 The art of complaining
A That really bugs me!
B Let's do something about it!
Unit 11 Values
A How honest are you?
B Taking stock
Unit 12 Moving around
A Culture shock
B Traveler or tourist?
Units 10-12 Communication review
Grammar plus
Unnits 1-12 Self-study
