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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语职业、行业英语高分子材料工程专业英语(二版)



定 价:¥28.00

作 者: 曹同玉 冯连芳 张菊华 主编
出版社: 化学工业出版社
标 签: 科技英语


ISBN: 9787122107220 出版时间: 2011-06-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 200 字数:  






PART A Polymer Chemistry and Physics
  UNIT 1 What Are Polymers?
  UNIT 2 Chain Polymerization
  UNIT 3 Step?Growth Polymerization
  UNIT 4 Ionic Polymerization
  UNIT 5 Introduction to Living Radical Polymerization
  UNIT 6 Molecular Weight and Its Distributions ofPolymers
  UNIT 7 Polymer Solution
  UNIT 8 Morphology of Solid Polymers
  UNIT 9 Structure and Properties of Polymers
  UNIT 10 Glass Transition Temperature
  UNIT 11 Functional Polymers
  UNIT 12 Preparations of Amino Resins in Laboratory
PART B Polymerization Reaction Engineering
  UNIT 13 Reactor Types
  UNIT 14 Bulk Polymerization
  UNIT 15 General Description of VC Suspension PolymerizationProcess
  UNIT 16 Styrene?Butadiene Copolymer
  UNIT 17 Heat Transfer Process
  UNIT 18 Copolymer Composition Distributions Affected byMicromixing
  UNIT 19 Introduction to Modelling of PolymerizationKinetics
  UNIT 20 Polymerization Process Instrumentation
  UNIT 21 Reactor Scale?up
  UNIT 22 Unipol Process for Polyethylene
PART C Processing,Properties and Applications of PolymerMaterial
  UNIT 23 Polymer Processing
  UNIT 24 Mechanical Properties of Polymers
  UNIT 25 Thermal Properties of Polymers
  UNIT 26 Polymer Melts
  UNIT 27 Processing and Fabrication of Thermoplastics
  UNIT 28 General Aspects of Polymer Degradation
  UNIT 29 Synthetic Plastics
  UNIT 30 Synthetic Rubber
  UNIT 31 Structure of Fiber?forming Polymers
  UNIT 32 Matching Adhesive to Adherend
  Appendix 1 聚合物的命名法
  Appendix 2 总词汇表 
