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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语老外学汉语中国未来30年(英文版)



定 价:¥56.00

作 者: 吴敬琏 等著
出版社: 中央编译出版社
标 签: 老外


ISBN: 9787511707574 出版时间: 2011-03-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 254 字数:  


  Li DaokuiLi Daokui is currently the Mansfield Freeman Clair Professor andhead of the Department of Finance of the School of Economics andManagement of Tsinghua University. He is also the Director of theCenter for China in the World Economy (:CCWE) at the School ofEconomics and Management of Tsinghua University.In 2006, ProfessorLi was chosen by Wall StreetWire as one of the top ten mostinfluential economists in China. He is also a member of theMonetary Policy Committee of the Peoples Bank of China, a delegateto the Beijing Peoples Congress, and a member of the Chinese Peoples Political: ConsultativeCommittee (CPPCC). He is now a member of the Global Agenda Councilsand a rapporteur for the International Financial InstitutionsReform Cluster of the Global Redesign Initiative (GR.I) ofthe World Economic Forum based in Davos,Switzerland.




China in 30 Years
Prospects for the Next 30 Years
China in the Next 30 Years: A prospective future and apossiblepitfall
The Characteristics,  Challenges and Expectations ofthe\Chinese Models\
China's Reforms Stepping into Deep Waters: A challenge againstcrony capitalism
Democracy in China: Challenge or opportunity?
Transcend Hegemony to Build a New Global Economic,Political andCultural Order
China's Estimated Economy by the Year 2040: Be warned
Development Trends and Characteristics of China's InternationalTrade over the Next 30 Years
Chinese Agriculture for the 21st Century and Beyond: What will ittake to make the needed transition to sustainable,productive andresilient farming systems? Key findings and options for action fromthe International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science andTechnology for Development(IAASTD)
Confronting Climate Change: Beyond cutting carbon emissions
Clean Energy: A greener and stronger economic engine forChina
Green Vision: China's third generation of modernization
The Green Economy Calls for Major Technological Breakthroughs
21 st Century: China and the world
China's Budding Identity Dilemma
Understanding China's Great \Civilization-state Model\, Carryingforward the Internal Energies of Chinese Civilization
