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作 者: 韦忠生 编著
出版社: 厦门大学出版社
标 签: 中国文化


ISBN: 9787561537220 出版时间: 2010-12-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 329 字数:  




  韦忠生 男,硕士。福建师范大学福清分校副教授,副译审。在各类学术刊物发表沦文近二十篇.发表泽作十余篇,主要从事中西文化研究以及翻译理沦和实践研究。现主持福建省教育厅A类社会科学研究项目:接受美学视域下的对外宣传翻泽策略(2010.08—2012.03.项H编号:JAl0314S)。2007年3月一2009年4月加拿大多伦多市访学。


Chapter One Understand Culture
1.1 The Definition of Culture
1.2 Layers of Culture
1.3 Differences between Cultures: High and Low Context Communication
1.4 Measuring Cultural Differences
1.5 Cultural Ethnocentrism
1.6 Models of Culture
1.7 Characteristics of Culture
1.8 Approaches to Culture from Different Perspectives
1.9 Cultural Competence
1.10 Cultural Intelligence
1.11 The Process of Developing Cultural Intelligence
1.12 Activities That Support the Development of Cultural Intelligence
1.13 Cross-Cultural Interactions at Home
Chapter Two Understand Chinese Culture from Different Perspective
2.1 The General Characteristics of Chinese Civilisation and Culture
2.2 An Examination of Traditional Chinese Culture
2.3 A Comparision of Chinese Values and Western Values
2.4 Four Princioles of Chinese Culture
2.5 The Role of Writing in the Formation of Chinese Civilisation and Culture
2.6 The Conditions of Civilisation and Its Relation with Culture
Chapter Three Ancient Chinas Four Great Inventions——The Backbone of Chinese Culture
3.1 China-A Land of Inventions and Discoveries
3.2 Joseph Needham and History of Science and Technology in China
3.3 Chinas Four Great Inventions and Their Impact on the World
3.4 Features of Ancient Chinese Science and Technology
3.5 Scientific and Technological Classics
3.6 Reasons for Scientific and Technological Stagnation: Different
Chapter Four Historical Background for Chinese Culture——the Prerequisite of Chinese Culture
4.1 The ancient period (ancient times——1840)
4.2 The modern period(1840-present)
Chapter Five An Insightful Look into Various Aspects of Chinese Culture:Chinese Architecture
5.1 Three Stages of Chinas Architecture History
5.2 Characteristics of Ancient Chinese Architecture: Different Perspective
5.3 Basic Architectural Elements
5.4 The Curved Roof : Practical and Aesthetic Consideration
5.5 Symbolism in Chinese Architecture
5.6 Comparisons Between Ancient Chinese City Planning and European Counterparts
5.7 Religious Impact on Ancient European Architecture and Its Features
5.8 Fujian (Yongding) Earth Buildings: A Typical Example of Local Residential Architecture
Chapter Six An Insightful Look into Various Aspects of Chinese Culture:Chinese Garden, Potted Landscapes and Tea
6.1 A Brief History of Chinese Garden
6.2 Classification and Distribution of Chinese Gardens
6.3 The Principles of Chinese Garden Design
6.4 The Common Structures and Basic Features of Chinese Gardens
6.5 The Aesthetic Features of Chinese Gardens
6.6 Differences Between Chinese and Western Gardens
6.7 Potted Landscapes: Penjing
Chapter Seven An Insightful Look into Various Aspects of Chinese Culture:Silk & Chinese Culinary Art ...
Chapter Eight An Insightful Look into Various Aspects of Chinese Culture:Traditional Chinese Painting & Camgraphy
Chapter Nine An Insightful Look into Various Aspects of Chinese Culture:Folk Beliefs in Chinese and Western Culture
Chapter Ten Managing Across Culture
Chapter Eleven The Integration, Conflict and Translation of Culture,and the Future of Chinese Culture
