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当前位置: 首页出版图书人文社科社会科学图书馆学/情报学/档案学中国图书馆学报年刊:2010(英文刊)



定 价:¥60.00

作 者: 中国图书馆学报编辑部 编
出版社: 北京图书馆出版社
标 签: 档案学


ISBN: 9787501344550 出版时间: 2010-12-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 204 字数:  






Research Papers
Public library land use and construction standards: Nature, effectand characteristics
  LI Guoxin
Explications of the main standards for public library land use andconstruction
  FENG Shouren
Non-governmental private libraries: Current situation and prospectsfor the future
  WANG Zizhou & WU Hanhua
Jiaxing Mode and its significance for the public library servicesystem in China
  LI Chaoping
Medical information service after earthquake in Wenchuan of Chinaand its enlightenments
  ZHAN Youxiang, HAO Junqin, CHENG Jin, CHEN Rui LUORongqing & HE Wei
The state & demand of library science education in mainlandChina: 2003-2008
  PAN Yantao & LIN Mengxiao
Recommendations on the organization of libraries' physicalinformation resources
  WANG Songlin
Factor analysis of automatic multi-level classification based onChinese Library Classification
  HE Lin, LIU Jing & HOU Hanqing
Visualization of Chinese Library Classification
  JING Peidong
Web citations inaccessibility and its solutions
  LU Wei, HAN Shuguang & ZHANG Xiaojuan
Study on theoretical principles of noninteractive literature-baseddiscovery
  ZHANG Yunqiu & LENG Fuhai
Empirical research on noninteractive literature-based knowledgediscovery of Chinese social sciences literature: A case study ofagricultural economics literature
  HUANG Shuiqing & MA Junling
Advances in scholarly research of library science in China in2009
  WU Weici, GU Xiujie & Tommy Yeung
An analysis of researches on rural libraries published in Chinafrom 1978 to 2007
  HUANG Tiyang, GAN Youqing & YANG Yong
Discussion Papers
Survival is not mandatory
Frederick Wilfred Lancaster
License to read?--IFLA's role in advocacy for building a globallibrary
  Harald yon Hielmcrone
A chronicle of events of Chinese library community in 2009
