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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语大学英语大学英语循序渐进写作教程



定 价:¥25.00

作 者: 李凤芳 主编
出版社: 北京大学出版社
标 签: 大学英语教材


ISBN: 9787301185322 出版时间: 2011-06-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 161 字数:  






Chapter One The Writing Process
 1.1 Introduction and Focus
 1.2 A Brief Account about the Writing Process
  1.2.1 Prewriting
  1.2.2 Drafting
  1.2.3 Revising
  1.2.4 Editing
  1.2.5 Publishing
 1.3 Invention Techniques
  1.3.1 Brainstorming
  1.3.2 Freewriting
  1.3.3 Mapping
  1.3.4 Journalist's Questions
  1.3.5 Aristotle' s “Common Topics
  1.3.6 Cubing
  1.3.7 Outlining
 1.4 The Topic of Writing
  1.4.1 When the Topic is Provided
  1.4.2 When the Topic is Not Provided
  1.4.3 When the Topic is a Question
 1.5 Summary
Chapter Two Sentence Writing
 2.1 Introduction and Focus
 2.2 Sentence Types
  2.2.1. Sentence Classification According to Function
  2.2.2. Sentence Classification According to Grammar
  2.2.3. Sentence Classification According to Style
 2.3 Effective Sentences
  2.3.1 Unity
  2.3.2 Coherence
  2.3.3 Conciseness
  2.3.4 Variety
 2.4 Error Analysis
 2.5 Summary
Chapter Three Paragraph Writing
 3.1 Introduction and Focus
 3.2 Paragraph Features
  3.2.1 Unity
  3.2.2 Coherence
  3.2.3 Completeness
 3.3 Paragraph Structure
  3.3.1 Topic Sentence
  3.3.2 Supporting Sentence
  3.3.3 Paragraph Development
 3.4 Summary
Chapter Four Essay Writing
 4.1 Introduction and Focus
 4.2 Coherent Devices
  4.2.1 Reference
  4.2.2 Substitution
  4.2.3 Ellipsis
  4.2.4 Conjunction
  4.2.5 Lexical Cohesion
 4.3 Types of Essay Writing
  4.3.1 Narration
  4.3.2 Description
  4.3.3 Exposition
  4.3.4 Argumentation
 4.4 A Writing Model of 3+6+3
  4.4.1 Narrative Pattern
  4.4.2 Problem-Solution Pattern
  4.4.3 Claim-Counterclaim Pattern
  4.4.4 General-Specific Pattern
 4.5 Summary
Chapter Five Summary and Review Writing
 5.1 Introduction and Focus
 5.2 Summary Writing
Chapter Six Practical Writing
Chapter Eight Manuscript Form and Punctuation
