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作 者: 凃朝莲,程建山 著
出版社: 华中科技大学出版社
标 签: 英语专业


ISBN: 9787560969039 出版时间: 2011-06-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 170 字数:  






Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Definition of the Graduate Thesis
1.2 Major Features of the Graduate Thesis
1.3 Subject Areas for English Majors to Do the Research
1.4 Structure of the Graduate Thesis for English Majors
1.4.1 The Front Matter
1.4.2 The Text
1.4.3 The Back Matter
Chapter 2 Planning the Paper
2.1 Choosing a Topic
2.1.1 Getting Start in Finding a Topic
2.1.2 The Principles of Choosing a Topic
2.1.3 How to Find an Appropriate Topic
2.2 Writing a Thesis Proposal
2.2.1 The Importance of Writing a Strong Thesis Proposal
2.2.2 The Structure of a Thesis Proposal
2.3 Research Methodology
2.3.1 The Classification of Language Research
2.3.2 Research Methods
2.3.3 Data Collection
2.3.4 Writing Techniques
Chapter 3 Writing the Paper
3.1 Writing the Abstract of a Thesis
3.1.1 What is an Abstract?
3.1.2 Structure of an Abstract
3.1.3 Types of Abstract
3.1.4 How to Write a Good Abstract
3.1.5 The Extract of Key Words
3.2 Writing the Introduction
3.2.1 The Major Elements in an Introduction
3.2.2 Summary
3.3 Conclusion
3.4 Revision
3.5 Documentation
3.5.1 Format of Citation and Notes
3.5.2 Format of Works Cited
3.6 Acknowledgements
Chapter 4 Optional
4.1 A Thesis on English Education
4.2 A Thesis on Linguistics
4.3 A Thesis on Translation
4.4 A Thesis on Linguistics
