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定 价:¥39.00

作 者: 李晓霞
出版社: 清华大学出版社
丛编项: 美国名校入学考试指导系列
标 签: SAT


ISBN: 9787302255512 出版时间: 2011-07-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16 页数: 234 字数:  




  李晓霞(Sophia X. Li)美国夏威夷大学英语教学硕士学位,在中国和北美地区从事教学工作二十余年,对东西方教学理念有深刻的了解。曾于中国、美国的学术期刊发表多篇论文,她编写的AllEars教材深受加拿大学生的喜爱。她是常春藤100教育的资深SAT教学专家,并以其严谨的作风、高度的热情、极强的独创性及扎实的文学功底博得同行和学生的赞许和欢迎。


Chapter 1 Introduction and Analyses
A.About the SAT Test
B.About the SAT Critical Reading Section
a.Sentence Completion
b Passage-based questions
Chapter 2 Preparation
A.Build Up Vocabulary Bank
a.Make use 0f contexts
b.Find new words'relatives
C.Set up word webs
d.Remember prefixes.suffixes and roots
e cramming and rote。learning
B.Consolidate G rammar Knowledge
a Find the main subject and verb
b.Don't take negative words at surface value
C Catch content words and transitionaI WOrdS
d.Take sentences of inveded word order in stride
a.Be positive and persistent
b.Learn to guess
C.Learn to skim and scan
Chapter 3 Tactics and Strategies
A.Before the Test
a.Have a feasible study plan
b Memorize new words every day
C.Learn difficult sentences by heart
d.Practice,practice,and practice
e.Relax the day before the test
B.Du ring the Test
b.Questions and choices
C Passages and words
Chapter 4 Practice Tests
A.Sentence Completion
Test ORe
Test Two
Test Three
Test Four
B.Passage-Based Questions
Eight Short Passages
Eight Long Passages
Eight Pairs of Comparative Passages'C.Timed Tests
Test 0Re
Test TWO
Test Three
Test Four
Test Five
Test Six
Answer Key
Explanations of Answer Key
