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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语职业、行业英语生物专业英语



定 价:¥25.00

作 者: 姜巨全 主编
出版社: 化学工业出版社
丛编项: 生物科学生物技术系列
标 签: 其它行业外语


ISBN: 9787122118271 出版时间: 2011-08-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 175 字数:  


  《生物专业英语》的选材以各生物分支学科的英文原版教材为主,内容选材丰富、知识点较新,各章节内容比例适当、难易程度适中,英语方式表达纯正。在每章开篇通过“本章中文导读”对其各节知识点以及该章节的学习要点进行简要介绍,而且在每章节后使用“NotestotheDifficultSentences”对重要的疑难专业英语知识进行翻译。通过在每篇文章中标注专业词汇的具体位置,使得学生在学习时能更快找到它们在文中的语境,更好地理解其含义及其使用方法。在各章节主讲内容基础上,多以各分支学科的最新研究动态(或热点)为主,增加补充相关材料以提高新颖性和趣味性。《生物专业英语》为各章节编排了丰富的习题。有为提高学生对专业英语词汇准确理解而设置的“Matching”练习,也有为提高学生专业英语的阅读能力而设置的“TrueorFalse”和“Reading Comprehension”练习,有为提高学生专业英语翻译水平而设置的“TranslationfromEnglish to Chinese”练习,也有为提高学生专业英语写作能力而设置的“Tmnslation from Chinese toEnglish”练习。《生物专业英语》适合作为普通高等院校生物专业的专业英语教材,也可以作为研究生或者出国深造者提高专业英语水平的参考书。




Chapter Introduction to Biology
1.1 What is Biology?
1.2 The Origin of Life
1.3 The Significance of Biology in Your Life
1.4 The History of Biology——Additional Reading
Chapter Microbiology
2.1 The Scope and relevance of Microbiology
2.2 The Future of Microbiology
2.3 Prokaryotes, Eukaryotic Microbes and Viruses
2.4 Extreme Microbes——Additional Reading
Chapter Cellular Biology
3.1 The Discovery of Cells
3.2 Basic Properties of Cells
3.3 The Concepts in Mammalian Cell Culture——Additional Reading
Chapter Botany——Plant Biology
4.1 The Scope and Importance of Botany
4.2 Flowers, Fruits and Seeds of Plants
4.3 Photosynthesis
4.4 Some Achievements of Transgenic Plants——Additional Reading
Chapter Zoology——Animal Biology
5.1 What is Zoology?
5.2 Tissues, Organs and Organ Systems of Animals
5.3 Transgenic Animals——Additional Reading
Chapter Molecular Genetics
6.1 Gene and Chromosomes
6.2 Functional structure of a gene
6.3 Gene Expression
6.4 Essentials for Genetic Engineering——Additional Reading
Chapter Biochemistry
7.1 Enzymes
7.2 Metabolism
7.3 Energy Transformation
7.4 Protein crystallization——Additional Reading
Chapter Ecology
8.1 What is Ecology?
8.2 Ecosystems 0
8.3 Biodiversity——Additional Reading
Chapter Biotechnology
9.1 Biotechnology
9.2 Recombinant DNA Technology
9.3 Recombinant Protein Expression
9.4 Bioalcohols——Additional Reading
Chapter Genomics
10.1 The First Sequenced Genomes
10.2 The Functional Genomics
10.3 Proteomics
10.4 Bioinformatics——Additional Reading
Appendix Ⅰ Answers to Exercises
Appendix Ⅱ Index of Professional Words and Phrases
