Learn to speak Chinese by singing & chanting!Learn towrite Characters by drawing pictures!Over 60 fun songs andinteresting activities to get started in Chinese.Hip Hop Land《喜哈乐园》 is a graded series of Mandarintextbooks for children 3 yearsand up - both heritage andnon-heritage learners. This seriescomprises 7 books:Pinyin Pastimes: 1, 2, 3 and 4Lively bilingual chants and active songs with rhyming lyricshelpchildren learn pronunciation easily and naturally.Highly attractive and colorful illustrations are designed to helpchildrenlearn words easily.Creative Chinese: Lower and UpperCombines Chinese characters and children's drawings to effectapractical curriculum, facilitating learning writing step bystep.Includes essential vocabulary words for this age group.Systematicintroduction of basic radicals and various charactercomponentsmakes learning that much easier.Hip Hop Song Collection60 creatively designed songs and chants for learning Mandarinmakefor a well-rounded collection of materials.Well coordinated interplay between music and pronunciationmakespeaking as easy as singing a song.Students who complete this series will have acquired avocabularyof around 600 words and phrases, includingproper pronunciation a ndthe ability to manipulate basicsentence patterns - all designed forthe very young learner.