The manuscript of the present textbook has been used for acourse taught by the author for the LL.M. Program in Chinese Law atTsinghua University School of Law from 2005 to 2010. The mainobjective of this course is to provide international students withbasic knowledge of Chinese civil procedure and the conflict oflaws. In particular, the course expounds civil lawsuits that arefiled in accordance with the Chinese code of civil procedure (CivilProcedure Law of the People's Republic of China), other statutesand judicial interpretations, as well as choice of law rulesdetermining the law applicable to civil relationships involvingforeign elements. The course provides succinct explanations ofessential issues, fundamental principles and particularinstitutions in Chinese civil procedure and the conflict oflaws.The textbook begins with a survey of the Chinese procedurallaw and an overview of Chinese civil procedure and then focuses onessential aspects of court jurisdiction and trial procedure incivil matters. In view of the traditional importance of alternativedispute resolution in China, mediation (conciliation) andarbitration are also discussed with corresponding comparisons tocivil procedure.The textbook also discusses issues relating to theconflict of laws, i.e. international jurisdiction under the Chineseinternational civil procedure law, recognition and enforcement offoreign judgments as well as Chinese choice of law rules. Focus isdirected toward the Chinese Statute on the Application of Laws toCivil Relationships Involving Foreign Elements of 28 October 2010,which entered into force on 1 April 2011.Two appendixes are printedat the end of the textbook: \Addendtrm 1: Chinese StatutoryConflict Rules and Conflict Rules Contained in JudicialInterpretations Prior to 1 April 2011\ and \Addendum 2: Statute onthe Application of Laws to Civil Relationships Involving ForeignElements of the People's Republic of China\ which has beentranslated into English jointly by Professr CHEN Weizuo and Mr.Kevin M. Moore.