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定 价:¥28.00

作 者: 郑国云 主编
出版社: 哈尔滨工业大学出版社
标 签: 大学英语教材


ISBN: 9787560333311 出版时间: 2011-08-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 184 字数:  






Unit 1 Earthquakes Passage A A Nation Grieves Passage B EarthquakesUnit 2 Studying Overseas Passage A Studying at Oxford Passage B Citations in a Foreign LanguageUnit 3 The Olympic Games Passage A A Splendid Start -- XXIX Olympic Games Opens inBeijing Passage B Team Effort -- China Celebrates as the ParalympicsComes to a Successful CloseUnit 4 Medicine Passage A Accounting for Taste Passage B A/H1NI FluUnit 5 Space Exploration Passage A Final Frontier Passage B How Is Space Junk Dodged?Unit 6 Education Passage A Why Are We ttere? Passage B Women Surpass Men in Advanced DegreesUnit 7 Finance Passage A Behind the Global Markets 'Meltdown Passage B World Markets Catch a U.S. ColdUnit 8 Culture Passage A Letter from Birmingham City Jail Passage B The Ironic PrincipleUnit 9 The Environment Passage A An Eve to the Sea Passage B Lead Exposure, Brain Damage, and Adult BehaviorUnit 10 Information and Communication Technology Passage A The Future of Mobile Social Networking Passage B In Google Earth, a Service Jor Scanning the HeavensUnit 11 Travelling Passage A A Naturalist Day in the Tropics Passage B Las VegasUnit 12 Philosophy Passage A What Use Is Philosophy? Passage B A Few Words about the Utility of PhilosophyUnit 13 Language and Linguistics Passage A Corpus Colossal Passage B Roots of Language Run Deeper than SpeechUnit 14 Computers and Privacy Passage A Employee Monitoring Passage B Avoiding a Computer WastelandUnit 15 Sea Creatures Passage A Why Are Coral Reefs So Colorful Passage B Ocean MagicGlossaryKey to Exercises
