胡同是北京特有的城市小巷,已有八百多年的历史。纵横交错的胡同不仅仅是城市的交通脉络,更是百姓生活的场所。作为北京历史文化发展的标本,它见证了历史的变迁、时代的风貌,留下了社会生活的印记,保留了原汁原味的老北京风情。本书从北京胡同的来历讲起,带着读者漫步于其中,欣赏北京四合院、名人故居、王府宅邸、寺庙道观、商街会馆等名胜古迹。Hutong, as atype of alley exclusively seen in Beijing, has a history of eighthundred years. The crisscross Hutongs are not only the context ofurban transportation, but also the living places of common people.As a specimen of the Beijing’s historical and cultural development,Hutong has witnessed historical changes and styles of differenttimes, bearing the marks of social life and preserving an authentictinge of Old Beijing Style. Starting with the origin of BeijingHutongs, this book leads the readers to walk along Hutongs andmeanwhile appreciate Beijing courtyard, former residences ofcelebrities, royal palaces, temples, business streets and clanhalls.