Unit 1 Structural Elements结构构件 DIALOGUE TEXT GRAMMAR:Negation(否定形式) READlNG MATERIAL GUIDED WRITING:Advertisements(广告)Unit 2 Building Design建筑设计 DIALOGUE TEXT GRAMMAR:The Uses of“IT”(“lT”的用法) READING MATERIAL GUIDED WRITING:Introduction(介绍)Unit 3 Stress and Deformation应力和变形 DlALOGUE TEXT G RAMMAR:Absol ute Construction(独立结构) READING MATERIAL GUIDED WRITING:Forms(表格)Unit 4 Building建筑物 DlALOGUE TEXT GRAMMAR:Inversion(倒装) READING MATERlAL GUIDED WRITING:Notice(通知)Unit 5 Construction 施工 DIALOGUE TEXT GRAMMAR:Attributive Clauses IntrodIJced by“AS”(“AS”引导的定语从句) READING MATERlAL GulDED wRlTING:Leners 0f CompIaint(投诉信)Unit 6 FoundatIon 基础 DIALOGUE TEXT GRAMMAR:Multiples(倍数) READING MATERIAL GuIDED WRlTING:Payrhent(付款)Unit 7 Sun,eying and Mapping 测量与绘图 DIALOGUE TEXT GRAMMAR:Word-bu-Iding(构词法) READING MATERIAL GuIDED wRITlNG:Letters(信函)Uint 8 BuiIdIng MateriaIs 建筑材料 DIALOGUE TEXT GRAMMAR:Subject(主语) READING MATERIAL GUIDED WRITING:Negotiation(交涉)Unit 9 Building Code建筑规范 DlALOGUE TEXT GRAMMAR:Concord(一致) READING MATERIAL GUIDED WRITING:Manuals and Instructions(说明书)Unit 10 Tender Documents and Contracts标书和合同 DIALOGUE TEXT GRAMMAR:Complex Object(复合宾语) READING MATERIAL GUIDED WRITING:Contracts and Agreements(合同与协议)Unit 11 Construction Market建筑市场 DIALOGUE TEXT GRAMMAR:Adverbial Clauses(状语从句) READING MATERIAL GUIDED WRITING:Placing an Order(订货)Unit 12 Interior Decoration室内装饰 DIALOGUE TEXT GRAMMAR:Simple,Compound and Complex Sentences(简单句、并列句和复合句) READING MATERIAL GUIDED WRITING:Applying for the Position(应聘)Appendix A Supplementary Reading补充阅读材料 Passage One Careers in Civil Engineering Passage Two Curing ConcreteI Passage Three Tall Buildings Passage Four Structure of Buildings Passage Five Building Materials Passage Six Computer—aided Drafting and DesignAppendix B VocabularyAppendix C Phrases and Expressions