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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语大学英语高职高专英语教学导引(第2册)



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作 者: 朱青,杨小燕,李晓康 主编
出版社: 同济大学出版社
标 签: 高职高专


ISBN: 9787560845951 出版时间: 2011-07-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 163 字数:  






第一部分 《高职高专英语综合教程》(第2册)教学导引
Unit 1 Secrets of Successful Learning
Ⅰ. Teaching Objectives
Ⅱ. Teaching Plan
Ⅲ. Listening Activities
Ⅳ. An Analysis of Text A: Learning to Learn
Ⅴ. An Analysis of Text B.. A Call for Bids
Ⅵ. Reference for Writing Practice
Unit 2 Verbal Communication
Ⅰ. Teaching Objectives
Ⅱ. Teaching Plan
Ⅲ. Listening Activities
Ⅳ. An Analysis of Text A: How to Be a Good Talker and Listener ...
Ⅴ. An Analysis of Text B. A Bid Cover Letter
Ⅵ. Reference for Writing Practice
Unit 3 A Father's Role
Ⅰ. Teaching Objectives
Ⅱ. Teaching Plan
Ⅲ. Listening Activities
Ⅳ. An Analysis of Text A. A Father's Letter
Ⅴ. An Analysis of Text B: A Letter of Intent
Ⅵ. Reference for Writing Practice
Unit 4 Cell Phones
Ⅰ. Teaching Objectives
Ⅱ. Teaching Plan
Ⅲ. Listening Activities
Ⅳ. An Analysis of Text A: Are Cell Phones Dangerous?
Ⅴ. An Analysis of Text B: A Contract
Ⅵ. Reference for Writing Practice
Unit Contacts Across Cultures
Ⅰ. Teaching Objectives
Ⅱ.Teaching Plan
Ⅲ.Listening Activities
Ⅳ.An Analysis of Text A: Making Initial Contacts Across Cultures
Ⅴ.An Analysis of Text B: An Insurance Policy
Ⅵ.Reference for Writing Practice
Unit 6 Money Matters
Ⅰ. Teaching Objectives
Ⅱ. Teaching Plan
Ⅲ. Listening Activities
Ⅳ. An Analysis of Text A: Why the Rich Get Richer and the Poor Poorer
Ⅴ. An Analysis of Text B: A Pro forma Invoice
Ⅵ. Reference for Writing Practice
Unit 7 Endangered Species
Ⅰ . Teaching Objectives
Ⅱ. Teaching Plan
Ⅲ. Listening Activities
Ⅳ. An Analysis of Text A: Endangered Species: The Polar Bear Makes
the List
Ⅴ. An Analysis of Text B: International Business in a Changing World
Ⅵ. Reference for Writing Practice
Unit 8 This Is America
Ⅰ. Teaching Objectives
Ⅱ. Teaching Plan
Ⅲ. Listening Activities
Ⅳ. An Analysis of Text A: Living in the U. S.A
Ⅴ. An Analysis of Text B. If You Want to Win in Sports, Wear Red
Ⅵ. Reference for Writing Practice
第二部分 《高职高专英语综合训练》(第2册)教学导引
Unit 1
Part Text-Related Exercises
Part II Exercises for PRETCO
Unit 2
Part Text-Related Exercises
Part II Exercises for PRETCO
Unit 3
Part Text-Related Exercises
Part II Exercises for PRETCO
Unit 4
Part Text-Related Exercises
Part II Exercises for PRETCO
Unit 5
Part Text-Related Exercises
Part II Exercises for PRETCO
Unit 6
Part Text-Related Exercises
Part II Exercises for PRETCO
Unit 7
Part Text-Related Exercises
Part II Exercises for PRETCO
Unit 8
Part Text-Related Exercises
Part II Exercises for PRETCO
