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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语大学英语实用大学英语学生用书(第一册 录音制品MP3)

实用大学英语学生用书(第一册 录音制品MP3)

实用大学英语学生用书(第一册 录音制品MP3)

定 价:¥22.00

作 者: 黄芳 主编
出版社: 水利水电出版社
丛编项: 21世纪高职高专规划教材
标 签: 高职高专


ISBN: 9787508487502 出版时间: 2011-07-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 146 字数:  


  黄芳主编的《实用大学英语》是由长期从事一线教学的大学英语教师结合多年的教学经验,以教育部颁发的《高职高专教育英语课程教育基本要求》为依据,充分考虑高职学生的基础和特点而编写的内容实用、形式创新的一套高职高专教材。 《实用大学英语》分为两册,本书为第一册。全书共8个单元,供一学期使用。《实用大学英语(第一册)》每一单元包括听说(Listening&Speaking)、课文(Passages)、语法(Grammar),写作(Writing)和轻松一刻(Enjoyyourselves)五个板块。每个板块都围绕单元的主题,结合高职高专学生学习和今后工作需要,设有专项训练。


暂缺《实用大学英语学生用书(第一册 录音制品MP3)》作者简介


Unit One College Education Section I Listening & Speaking Section II Passage One The Second Oldest College Graduate In the World Section II Passage Two Photographic Memory Professor Section III Grammar Section IV Writing Section V Enjoy yourselvesUnit Two Travel Section I Listening & Speaking Section II Passage One Tourism in China Section II Passage Two Travel plans Section III Grammar Section IV Writing Section V Enjoy yourselvesUnit Three Culture Section I Listening & Speaking Section II Passage One American Society Section II Passage Two The Role of Culture in Development Section III Grammar Section IV Writing Section V Enjoy yourselvesUnit Four Food Section I Listening & Speaking Section II Passage One American Food Style Section II Passage Two Finding a Balance Section III Grammar Section IV Writing Section V Enjoy yourselvesUnit Five Hobby Section I Listening & Speaking Section II Passage One Collecting as a Serious Hobby Section II Passage Two How to Find a Hobby Section III Grammar Section IV Writing Section V Enjoy yourselvesUnit Six Sports and Outdoor Activities Section I Listening & Speaking Section II Passage One Allen Iverson to Retire from the NBA Again Section II Passage Two Enjoy the great outdoors! Section III Grammar Section IV Writing Section V Enjoy yourselvesUnit Seven Internet Section I Listening & Speaking Section II Passage One 21st Century: Newspapers vs. Internet Section II Passage Two Internet Surfing Section III Grammar Section IV Writing Section V Enjoy yourselvesUnit Eight News Section I Listening & Speaking Section II Passage One Germany unveils new \psychic\ octopus and he's French Section II Passage Two Britain being \overrun\ by street signs Section III Grammar Section IV Writing Section V Enjoy yourselvesAppendix Words and Expressions Phrases and Expressions
