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定 价:¥69.00

作 者: 法律英语证书全国统一考试指导委员会 编
出版社: 中国法制出版社
丛编项: 法律英语证书全国统一考试指定用书
标 签: 其它英语考试


ISBN: 9787509330722 出版时间: 2011-09-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 498 字数:  






Part One Basics of Legal English
 Chapter I Introduction
 Chapter 2 Historical Development of Legal English
 Chapter 3 Characteristics of Legal English
 Chapter 4 Terms and Rules in Legal English
 Chapter 5 General Legal TermsPart Two American Legal Regime
 Chapter I Overview of the U.S. Court System
 Chapter 2 Jury Trial
 Chapter 3 The A~sarial System
 Chapter 4 Appellate Courts
 Chapter 5 Appellate Judges
 Chapter 6 Court Opinions and Case DigestsPart Three Constitutional Law
 Chapter I Introduction
 Chapter 2 The Judicial Power
 Chapter 3 Legislative Power
 Chapter 4 Individual Guarantees Against Governmental or PrivateAction
 Chapter 5 Retroactive Legislation
 Chapter 6 Procedural Due Process
 Chapter 7 Substantive Due Process
 Chapter 8 Equal Protection
 Chapter 9 Fundamental RightsPart Four Contracts
 Chapter 1 Introduction
 Chapter 2 Basics of Contracts
 Chapter 3 Contract Formation
 Chapter 4 Capacity to Contract
 Chapter 5 Vitiating Factors
 Chapter 6 Problems Involving Persons Other than the Parties to theOriginal Contract
 Chapter 7 Discharge
 Chapter $ Breach of Contract
Chapier 9 Remedies for Breach of Contract
 Chapter 10 Dispute SettlementPart Five Torts
 Chapter 1 Introduction
 Chapter 2 Intentional Torts
 Chapter 3 Defenses to Intentional Torts
 Chapter 4 Negligence
 Chapter 5 Cause in Fact
 Chapter 6 Proximate Cause
 Chapter 7 Muhiple Torffeasors
 Chapter 8 Damages for Personal Injuries
 Chapter 9 Limited Duties: Special Limitations on the Scope ofDuty
 Chapter 10 Premises Liability: Duties of Owners and Occupiers ofLand
 Chapter 11 Defenses
 Chapter 12 Vicarious Liability
 Chapter 13 Products Liability
 Chapter 14 Defamation
 Chapter 15 The Privacy Torts
 Chapter 16 Competitive TortsPart Six Property Law
 Chapter 1 Introduction
 Chapter 2 Acquisition of Property
 Chapter 3 Possessory Estates
 Chapter 4 Future Interests
 Chapter 5 Concurrent Estates
 Chapter 6 Landlord and Tenant
 Chapter 7 Fixtures
 Chapter 8 Rights in the Land of Another - Easements, Profits,Covenantsand Servitudes
Part Seven Evidence Law
Part Eight Civil Procedure
Part Nine Criminal Law
Part Ten Criminal Procedure
Part Seven Evidence Law
Part Eight Civil Procedure
Part Nine Criminal Law
Part Ten Criminal Procedure
