当冰山女遇上阳光男 When the indifferent girl encounter the sunshine 1.迷幻的惊魂之夜 Psychedelic night 2.拒不合作冰山女 Disobedient patient 3.惊天秘密偶得知 A shaking secret 4.命悬一线阴阳转 Life-threatening 5.各取所需定契约 Magical devil contract 6.历尽劫难灵魂赎 Please save me当双面女遇上硬朗男 When the Double-dealing encounter the tough guy 1.跨国返程迷途旅 Our lost journey 2.暗夜女帝圆舞曲 Waltz for dark night 3.人狗纠缠情未了 Love is blind 4.一败涂地芳心泣 Completely failure 5.初露端倪入虎穴 Just a beginning 6.大展身手英雄男 It's Show time. 7. 黑白轮回征服女 Who will win尾声 迈入新纪元 New begining