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定 价:¥30.00

作 者: 韩东红 主编
出版社: 对外经济贸易大学出版社
标 签: 餐饮旅游业英语


ISBN: 9787566301130 出版时间: 2011-08-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 211 字数:  


  近十年来,中国的高等职业教育发展已取得丰硕成果,大批综合素质高、动手能力强的高职学院毕业生深受用人单位的好评。但仍然有一些基本问题亟待重视并从源头上加以解决,诸如高职院校毕业生的职业技能与用人单位岗位需求较大差距;为数不少的学生抱怨课程呆板落后、教材内容陈旧,而不能实现就业能力的有效培养,还形成某种程度上的低社会认同度。笔者认为上述问题长期存在的一个重要原因是高职课程体系安排、教材建设的重点与特色不能符合人才培养的内在规律,专业英语教育的问题也在于此。 2010年7月29日,备受关注的《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010-2020年)》正式全文发布,这是我国进入21世纪之后的第一个教育规划,是今后一个时期指导全国教育改革和发展的纲领性文件。《规划纲要》进一步明确提出要实施职业教育办学模式改革试点,以服务为宗旨,以就业为导向,推进教育教学改革,实行工学结合、校企合作、顶岗实习的人才培养模式,以切实提高职业教育教学质量为重点,满足经济社会对高素质劳动者和技能型人才的需要。




PartA Front Office Department
Module One Making Reservations
  Dialogue 1 A Phone Call Reservation
  Dialogue 2 A Group Reservation
  Dialogue 3 Booking a Suite
  Dialogue 4 Confirmation Call
  Policies and Procedures of Making Reservations
  Reading Hotels and Rooms Division Department (I)
Module Two Checking in
  Dialogue 1 Filling in the Registration Card/Form
  Dialogue 2 Group Registration
  Dialogue 3 Checking in for Walkin Guests
  Dialogue 4 Guests Who Arrive Late
  Policies and Procedures ofRegistering Guests with ConfirmedReservation
  Reading Hotels and Rooms Division Department (II)
Module Three Uniformed Services
  Dialogue 1 The Bellman Shows the Guest Her Room
  Dialogue 2 Ticket Booking Service
  Dialogue 3 Ordering a Taxi
  Dialogue 4 Limousine Service
  Policies and Procedures of Handling Guest Enquiries andIntroducing Facilities
  Reading Hotel Concierge
Module Four Services at the front Desk
  Dialogue 1 A Room Change
  Dialogue 2 A Safe Deposit Box
  Dialogue 3 Showing Directions
  Dialogue 4 Asking for an Overstay
  Policies and Procedures of Using the Safety Box
  Reading Top Hotelsin the World
Module Five Services at the Front Desk (2)
  Dialogue 1 Maintenance Service
  Dialogue 2 Babysitting Service
  Dialo gue 3 10 st and Found
  Dialogue 4 A Package for Mr. Martin
  Policies and Procedures for Lost and Found
  Reading Top Hotelsin the World
Module Six Business and Entertainment Services
  Dialogue 1 At the Business Center
  Dialogue 2 In the Health Club
  Dialogue 3 The Sauna Is One of the Great Pleasures ofLife
  Dialogue 4 The Meeting Room.
  Policies and Procedures of Business Center Agent
  Reading Searching for a Healthier Lifestyle
  Module Seven Telephone Service
  Dialogue 1 A Morning Call Service
  Dialogue 2 An Overseas PersonToPerson Call
  Dialogue 3 A Call from Outside
  Dialogue 4 Answering Guests'Inquiries.
  Policies and Procedures ofTelephone Etiquette
  Reading Telecommunications
Module Eight Handling Complaints.
  Dialogue 1 Complaint in the Hotel
  Dialogue 2 A Problem with the Mini Bar
  Dialogue 3 The Room Needs Cleaning
  Dialogue 4 A Problem with the B
  Policies and Procedures ofHandling Guest Complaints
  Reading Have You Ever Made Complaints at a Hotel?
Module Nine Cbecking Out
  Dialogue 1 Foreign Exchange Service
  Dialogue 2 Accepting Credit Cards
  Dialogue 3 The Guest Pays His B
  Dialogue 4 Checking Out
  Policies and Procedures Methods ofPayment.
  Reading Top Hotelsin the World
  Part B Housekeeping Department
  Module Ten Housekeeping Supply Preparations
Dialogue 1 Would You Like Your Room Cleaned?
Module Eleven Cleaning the Guest Room
Module Twelve Housekeeping Services
Module Tlurteen Cleaning Public Areas
Module Fourteen Laundry and Valet Service
附录1 Key to the Exercises参考答案
附录2 Top 10 Hotel Groups in the World全球酒店集团排行榜(前十名)
附录3 HoteI Rooms Division Terminology酒店房务专用术语
