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定 价:¥33.00

作 者: 刘小红,杨金 主编
出版社: 重庆大学出版社
标 签: 其它行业外语


ISBN: 9787562458852 出版时间: 2011-08-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 275 字数:  






Part I Logistics Articles
Unit One The Development of Logistics
 1.1 Overview of Logistics
 1.2 The Historical Perspective of Logistics
 1.3 The Relationship between Logistics Activities and LogisticsCosts
 1.4 The TPL (third party logistics ) and the ASG Example
Unit Two The Functions of Logistics System
 2.1 Knowledge Module One——Logistics System
 2.2 Knowledge Module Two——Packaging
 2.3 Knowledge Module Three——Physical Distribution
 2.4 Knowledge Module Four——Warehouse
 2.5 Knowledge Module Five——Inventory Management
 2.6 Knowledge Module Six——Freight Transport
Unit Three Supply Chain Management
 3.1 The Study of Supply Chain Management
 3.2 The Case Study of Supply Chain——Cash is King ( 1 )
 3.3 The Case Study of Supply Chain——Cash is King (2)
 3.4 Dell Computers: Using the Supply Chain to Compete (1)
 3.5 Dell Computers: Using the Supply Chain to Compete (2)
 Part II Logistics Correspondence
Unit Four Formats of Business Correspondences
 4.1 The Structure of a Business Letter
 4.2 The Other Business Corresponds
Unit Five Inquiries and Quotations
Unit Six Shipment and Packing
Unit Seven Agency and Container Service
Unit Eight Claim, Fright Account and Others
 Part m Logistics Documents
Unit Nine Government Documents
 9.1 Import / Export Licence
 9.2 Customs Declaration Form
 9.3 Certificate of Origin
 9.4 Inspection Certificate
 9.5 Foreign exchange cancellation-after-verification note
Unit Ten Commercial Documents
 10.1 Letter of Credit (L/C)
 10.2 Invoice
 10.3 Packing List
 10.4 Insurance Document
 10.5 Shipping Advice
 10.6 Bill of Exchange
 10.7 Beneficiary' s Certificate
Unit Eleven Transport Documents
 11.1 Bill of Lading
 11.2 Air Waybill
 11.3 Other Transport Documents
 1. Bilingual Units of Measurements in Chinese and English
 2. The World's Major Ports in Chinese and English
