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定 价:¥28.00

作 者: 明兰 主编
出版社: 清华大学出版社
丛编项: 普通高校艺术与设计基础教材
标 签: 大学专业英语教材

ISBN: 9787512107052 出版时间: 2011-09-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 162 字数:  


  由明兰主编的《艺术设计专业英语》内容包括艺术设计史、设计专题、设计大师、中国艺术、设计教育五大板块。每个板块内又包括几课,每课由背景知识、课文、词汇、注释和练习组成,文章中穿插大量精美图片,图文并茂,对于拓展学生的专业知识和信息量大有裨益。最后附有练习参考答案和参考译文供读者参考,有助于帮助读者提高阅读艺术设计类文献的水平。 《艺术设计专业英语》条理清晰,文字简明易懂。《艺术设计专业英语》可作为高等院校艺术设计专业的教材,也可作为广大艺术设计工作者和艺术设计爱好者的参考资料。




Unit one History of art and Design
Lesson 1 Arts and Crafts Movement
Lesson 2 Art Nouveau
Lesson 3 Constructivism
Lesson 4 Bauhaus and the Education of Design
Lesson 5 The International Typographic Style
Unit Two The Special Topics About Design
Lesson 6 Corporate Identity
Lesson 7 Book Designer Fiona Raven
Lesson 8 Successful Industrial Design
Lesson 9 IDSA
Lesson 10 Environmental Design
Lesson 11 Famous Interior Designers and Their Styles in Interior Design
Lesson 12 How to Become a Fashion Designer
Lesson 13 The History of Animation
Lesson 14 The History of Photoshop
Lesson 15 Dreamweaver and It's Advantages
Unit Three Design Masters
Lesson 16 World Graphic Design Master: Paul Rand
Lesson 17 Raymond Loewy - the Man Who Streamlined the Sales-Curve
Lesson 18 Frank Lloyd Wright and His Architectures
Lesson 19 FashionQueen-Coco Chanel
Lesson 20 Hayao Miyazaki's Movie World
Unit Four Chinese Art
Lesson 21 Landscape Painting in Chinese Art
Lesson 22 Chinese Folk Art
Lesson 23 Eric Chan- Finding Balance in Design
Unit Five Design Education
Lesson 24 Birmingham Institute of Art and Design
Lesson 25 Savannah College of Art and Design
Lesson 1 Arts and Crafts Movement
Lesson 2 Art Nouveau
Lesson 3 Constructivism
Lesson 4 Bauhaus and the Education of Design
Lesson 5 The International Typographic Style
Lesson 6 Corporate Identity
Lesson 7 Book Designer Fiona Raven
Lesson 8 Successful Industrial Design
Lesson 9 IDSA
Lesson I0 Environmental Design
Lesson 11 Famous Interior Designers ard Their Styles in Interior Design
Lesson 12 How to Become a Fashion Designer
Lesson 13 The History of Animation
Lesson 14 The History of Photoshop
Lesson 15 Dreamweaver and Its Advantages?
Lesson 16 World Graphic Design Master: Paul Rand
Lesson 17 Raymond Loewy - The Man Who Streamlined the Sales-Curve
Lesson 18 Frank Lloyd Wright and His Architectures
Lesson 19 Fashion Queen- Coco Chanel
Lesson 20 Hayao Miyazaki's Movie World
Lesson 21 Landscape Painting in Chinese Art
Lesson 22 Chinese Folk Art
Lesson 23 Eric Chan- Finding Balance in Design
Lesson 24 Birmingham Institute of Art and Design
Lesson 25 Savannah College of Art and Design
第1单元 艺术设计史
第2单元 设计专题
第3单元 设计大师
第4单元 中国艺术
第5单元 设计教育
