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作 者: 钟学富 编著
出版社: 中国科学技术大学出版社
标 签: 力学


ISBN: 9787312029066 出版时间: 2011-09-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 288 字数:  




  钟学富,l939年生,四川I新都人,毕业于四川大学物理系理论物理专门化。曾任中国科学院半导体研究所副研究员,硕士生导师。1987年赴美为访问学者,在密苏里大学堪萨斯城分校物理系从事固体理论研究。现居美国。 单独与合作发表中英文物理论文约30篇。主要成果包括确立半导体中一类光转化杂质模型,经实验证实并获中国科学院科技成果二等奖;首次提出在晶体场计算中考虑传导电子贡献,此概念被用于修改穆斯堡尔效应中的电场梯度公式。另外在《中国社会科学》、《哲学研究》、《光明日报》、《自然辩证法研究》等刊物发表涉及信息论和物理学的哲学问题的论文约l0篇。近年来陆续出版《物理社会学》、《社会系统》、《休闲哲学》等专著,尝试将自组织及相关理论应用于社会研究,发展社会科学的演绎理论。


Lecture 1 Introduction, Kinematics
Lecture 2 Various Coordinate Systems, Coordinate Transformation
Lecture 3 Newton's Laws of Motion
Lecture 4 Work and Energy, Conservative Force Field
Lecture 5 Inertial and Non-Inertial Reference System, Galileo Principle of Relativity
Lecture 6 Integration of Equations of Motion ( I )
Lecture 7 Integration of Equations of Motion ( II ) :Velocity-Dependent Force
Lecture 8 Integration of Equation of Motion ( III ) : Position-Dependent Force
Lecture 9 Analytical Mechanics
Lecture 10 Lagrangian Equation
Lecture 11 Variational Principles of Mechanics
Lecture 12 Symmetry and Conservation Law
Lecture 13 Lagrangian Undetermined Multipliers
Lecture 14 Hamiltonian Equations of Motion
Lecture 15 Canonical Transformation, Hamilton-Jacobi Equation
Lecture 16 Poisson Bracket, Phase Space and Liouville's Theorem
Lecture 17 Motion in Central Force Field
Lecture 18 Effective Potential and General Solutions
Lecture 19 Inverse Square Law of Force
Lecture 20 Stability of Orbits and Perturbations N
Lecture 21 Applications of Central Force Motion
Lecture 22 Scattering Problem
Lecture 23 Force Law and Scattering Cross Section
Lecture 24 Motion in Non-Inertial System
Lecture 25 Applications of Non-Inertial System
Lecture 26 Free Harmonic Oscillation
Lecture 27 Damped Harmonic Oscillation
Lecture 28 Forced Oscillation
Lecture 29 Harmonic Oscillators in Two and Three Dimensions
Lecture 30 Generalizations and Applications of Linear Oscillation Theory
Lecture 31 Concept of Nonlinear Oscillation
Lecture 32 Solutions of Nonlinear Oscillation (Ⅰ)
Lecture 33 Solutions of Nonlinear Oscillation (Ⅱ)
Lecture 34 Chaotic Oscillations
Lecture 35 Two Coupled Oscillators and Their Normal Coordinates
Lecture 36 General Theory of Small Oscillation (Ⅰ)
Lecture 37 General Theory of Small Oscillation (Ⅱ)
Lecture 38 Vibration of Molecule, Energy Dissipation and Absorption
Lecture 39 Vibration in Continuous Medium: Wave
Lecture 40 Propagation and Energy of Wave, Longitudinal Wave
Lecture 41 Description of Rigid Body Motion
Lecture 42 Principal Axes Transformation and Inertia Ellipsoid
Lecture 43 Euler's Equation of Motion, Symmetrical Top
Lecture 44 Fluid
