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定 价:¥35.00

作 者: 金衡山,廖炜春 主编
出版社: 东南大学出版社
标 签: 世界文化


ISBN: 9787564128319 出版时间: 2011-07-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 260 字数:  






导论 大众文化和大众文化批评
Chapter 1 Consumer Culture: The Passion of Consumption and the Consumer Society
Lesson 1 The Signs of Shopping
Lesson 2 The Haunted Superstore
Lesson 3 Blue Jeans
Historical Perspective: Fashion
Chapter 2 Advertising: The Signs of Advertising in America
Lesson 4 Masters of Desire: The Culture of Amerlcan Adertising
Lesson 5 Advertising's Fifteen Basic Appeals
Lesson 6 With These Words I Can Sell You Anything
Historical Perspective: Advertising
Chapter 3 Pop Music: Excitements, Emotions and Controversies
Lesson 7 Hip-Hop Nation: There's More To Rap Than Just Rhythms and Rhymes
Lesson 8 Rock 'N' Revolt
Lesson 9 The Lessons of Presley's Hips
Historical Perspective: Music
Chapter 4 Television: The Cultural Impacts of Television
Lesson 10 Televison and Cultural Behavior
Lesson 11 Life According to TV
Lesson 12 Soaps Day and Night
Lesson 13 The Opera Winfrey Show and The Talk Show Furor
Historical Perspective: Television
Chapter 5 Sports: The Cultural Implications in American Sports
Lesson 14 Sports and the American Dream
Lesson 15 Jockpop: Popular Sports and Polities
Lesson 16 The Black and White Truth about Basketball
Historical Perspective: Sports
Chapter 6 Film: Making Hollywood Dreams
Lesson 17 Creating the Myth
Lesson 18 The Western
Lesson 19 Asian Women in Film: No Joy, No Luck
Lesson 20 The Way We Are
Historical Perspective: Film
Chapter 7 American Icons: The Worshipped Characters for the Public
Lesson 21 Be Like Mike? Michael Jordan and the Pedagogy of Desire
Lesson 22 What Makes Superman So Darned American?
Lesson 23 Our Barbies, Ourselves
