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定 价:¥38.00

作 者: 朱望 编著
出版社: 北京大学出版社
标 签: 文学家


ISBN: 9787301174197 出版时间: 2011-09-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 300 字数:  






Lesson One HistoricalContext
I. The First Half of the Twentieth Century
II. The Second Half of the Twentieth Century
III. Study Questions
Lesson Two Joseph Conrad
I. Life
II. Literary Career and Major Writings
III. Attitudes andViews
IV. Aesthetic Principles and Writing Techniques
V. Selected Readings: Heart of Darkness/ "Preface to The Nigger of the 'Narcissus'"
VI. Study Questions
Lesson There E.M. Forster
I. Life
II. Literary Career and Major Writings
III. Attitudes and Views
IV. Aesthetic Principles and Writing Techniques
V. Commentary: A Passage to India / Aspects of the Novel
VI. Study Questions
Lesson Four Katherine Mansfield
I. Life
II. Literary Career and Major Writings
III. Attitudes and Views
IV. Aesthetic Principles and Writing Techniques
V. Selected Readings: The Garden Party / "Seriousness in Art"
VI. Study Questions
Lesson Five William Butler Yeats
I. Life
II. Literary Career and Major Writings
III. Attitudes and Views
IV. Aesthetic Principles and Writing Techniques
V. Selected Readings: "The lake Isle of Innisfree" / "Easter 1916" / "Sailing to Byzantium" / "Ireland and the Arts"
VI. Study Questions
Lesson Six D.H. Lawrence
I. Life
II. Literary Career and Major Writings
III. Attitudes and Views
IV. Aesthetic Principles and Writing Techniques
V. Selected Readings: The Rainbow/"Sex versus Loveliness"
VI. Study Questions
Lesson Seven T.S. Eliot
I. Life
II. Literary Career and Major Writings
III. Attitudes and Views
IV. Aesthetic Principles and Writing Techniques
V. Commentary: "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" and The Waster Land/"Tradition and the Individual Talent"
VI. Study Questions
Lesson Eight James Joyee
I. Life
II. Literary Career and Major Writings
III. Attitudes and Views
IV. Aesthetic Principles and Writing Techniques
