Passage 1
The Pros and Cons of the Financial Crisis金融危机的利与弊
Passage 2
Marketing Plan市场营销策略
Passage 3
The GIobal Economy Imbalances and the UnitedStates’Counterpaln
Passage 4
The United States’New Health Care Bill美国新医保法案
Passage 5
The Government’s Aggressive Dealings withU.S.Automakers
Passage 6
Network Identity Theft网络身份盗窃案
Passage 7
Virginia Deprives the Right to Vote of Former Felons
Passage 8
Cheats in College Admissions Exams andCounterplans大学入学考试作弊与对策
Passage 9
Britain Reintroduce Species to Restore the NaturalBalance
Passage 10
Education for All.round Development素质教育
Passage 1l
New Metro Rail Cars新型地铁机车研发与规划
Passage 12
Exercise DefIned限定时间合理运动
Passage 13
The Agnes Meyer Outstanding Teacher Awards艾格尼丝·迈耶杰出教师奖
Passage 14
The Diary of Anne Frank《安妮日记》
Passage 15
How to Raise Productivity如何提高生产力
Passage 16
Ragtime and Its Performers歌舞剧演员对参演剧目的感情
Passage 17
Healthy Social Networking Sites BenefitKids健康的社会交友网络有益孩子成长
Passage 18
How to Make You Younger?如何使你更年轻?
Passage 19
Dog And Human Healthily狗与人类健康
Passage 20
H1N1 Surveys甲型HlNl流感调查
Passage 21
Women’S Occupational Stress女性的职业压力
Passage 22
The Rebounds Brings InvestingOpportunity经济衰退反弹带来新的投资机会
Passage 23
The War on Drugs美国各州努力解决毒品问题
Passage 24
The Huge Business Opportunities of NetworkShoppin9网络购物的巨大商机
Passage 25
The New Year Celebration Ceremony of TimesSquare纽约时报广场的新年庆典
Passage 26
The Disturbing State of American’S Health美国人身体善堪忧
Passage 27
A Popular New Bike Rental Pr。gram in Paris巴黎鼓励人们骑车出门
Passage 28
Google Profile谷歌推出新的个人信息系统
Passage 29
The Internet Remade Spying Profession互联网改变了情报工作
Passage 30
Private File.Sharing Networks私人文件共享网络
Passage 31
The Discovery of Astronomers天文学家的新发现
Passage 32
Remote Monitorin9远程监护现状
Passage 33
The Art of Unhappiness忧愁艺术
Passage 34
The Crusading Campus Leader:Ruth Simmons校园改革派鲁斯·西蒙斯轶事
Passage 35
The Network Education in the United States美国引入网络教学
Passage 36
How do Universities Deal With the Enrollment Law of MinorityPreference?
Passage 37
TB Continues to Thrive肺结核病再度蔓延
Passage 38
The Functions and Development of the Community HealthWorkers
Passage 39
The Relationship Between Our Personality andSiblings性格形成与兄弟姐妹的关系
Passage 40
Getting Cigarettes Out of Movies银幕的吸烟场面问题
Passage 41
Former President Bush前总统布什
Passage 42
The Welfare Conditions and Commitment to Work of BritishCitizens
Passage 43
The Accounting Standards银行处理不良资产的会计准则
Passage 44
The Importance of American Business InformationProtection
Passage 45
Alphabetism:An Insidious Form ofDiscrimination一种隐藏的歧视:姓氏首字母排序
Passage 46
The Overfishery in Seas海洋渔业过度捕捞
Passage 47
New Changes in Academic Journel Publishin9当今学术期刊出版的新变化
Passage 46
Taking Rubbish垃圾处理
Passage 49
Gestures Help People to Think手势对人类思考的影响
Passage 50
The Xena冥王星“降级”