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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语大学英语大学英语快速阅读(第2册)



定 价:¥23.00

作 者: 刘雪成 主编
出版社: 同济大学出版社
标 签: 大学英语教材


ISBN: 9787560846330 出版时间: 2011-09-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 113 字数:  






Unit 1
 Text A  Top 5 Star Divorces in Second Half of 2010
 Text B  Shanghai Bids Farewell to Massive World ExpoFair
 Text C  Bloggers Edit Their Real Lives
 Text D  Shanghai 2010 Expo Breaks World Fair AttendanceRecord
Unit 2
 Text A  Indonesia's Mount Merapi Eruption
 Text B  Chile Miners Are Free at Last
 Text C  Unplugging Your Life
 Text D  When Frog Gender Flips
Unit 3
 Text A  How Freud Changed What People Thought About theMind
 Text B  A Letter from Obama to His Daughters
 Text C  Chinese Villagers \Descended from RomanSoldiers\
 Text D  WHO Says 600,000 Die from Passive Smoking
Unit 4
 Text A  Helen He: Nothing Wrong with Marrying for Money
 Text B  Shanghai Has the World's Smartest Teens
 Text C  Care for Parents Who Lose Only Child
 Text D  The Rise of Apple
Unit 5
 Text A  Teaching Math, Teaching Anxiety
 Text B  Flower Family Knows Its Roots
 Text C  Shanghai Rolls out Record World's Expo
 Text D  Caring for Aging Relatives
Unit 6
 Text A  How Rich is Harry Potter's Daniel Radcliffe
 Text B  Prize in Hand, He Keeps His Eye on Teaching
 Text C  The Power of Group Online Shopping Hits China
 Text D  Work at Home
Unit 7
 Text A  Prince William Gives Diana's Ring to Fiancee KateMiddleton
 Text B  At Least 700 Families Living Outside Kenya RefugeeCamp Face Peril
 Text C  Zhou Libo. Close Up with Shanghai's Favorite FunnyMan
 Text D  G-20 Leaders Promise Steps to Avoid CurrencyWar
Unit 8
 Text A   \China's Got Talent\ (中国达人秀) Premiers inShanghai
 Text A  Tencent Forces Users to Choose Between the Two: ThoseWho Have 360 Installed Can't Use QQ
 Text C  Nokia Looks at Big Change in Handsets
 Text D  How Facebook is Making Friending Obsolete
