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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语英语词汇/语法/阅读英语阅读技巧与实践:报刊阅读Book6



定 价:¥32.00

作 者: 吴丁娥 主编
出版社: 湖南师范大学出版社
标 签: 阅读


ISBN: 9787564804466 出版时间: 2011-06-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 271 字数:  






UNIT Ⅰ  Introduction to Chief American and BritishNewspapers and Magazines
 PART 1  Chief American Newspapers and Magazines
 PART 2  Chief British Newspapers and Magazines
UNIT Ⅱ  Some Knowledge of English Newspaper Reading
 PART 1  The Format of English NeWspapers
 PART 2  Headlines or Titles of English Newspapers
 PART 3  The Basic Structure of News Reports
 PART 4  Some Lexical Features of Newspaper English
 PART 5  Some Grammatical Features of NewspaperEnglish 
UNIT Ⅲ English Newspaper and Magazine Reading Practice
 PASSAGE 1  Stopping Climate Change
 PASSAGE 2  Great Wall Street
 PASSAGE 3  Obama v BP
 PASSAGE 4  A Weak President in a Time of Crisis
 PASSAGE 5  After Iraq 
 PASSAGE 6  China's Spielberg Making Shock Waves
 PASSAGE 7 Three-wa                                                                                             
 PASSAGE 8  Veteran teacher facing a, life ban over his\failure\to control pupils
 PASSAGE 9  Some Resl~onses to the \China Threat inAfrica\
 PASSAGE 10  Putin Rattles Nuclear Sabre at NAT()
 PASSAGE 11  China Sends a Man into Orbit,Entering the U S-Russian Club
 PASSAGE 12  Great Leap Skyward  :
 PASSAGE 13  Beijing's launch into space lures aviationgroups  
 PASSAGE 14  Where Will the U S Taiwan Policy Go?
 PASSAGE 15  Asian Leaders Find China a More CordialNeighbor
 PASSAGE 16  Bush Proposes North Korea Security Plan toChina
 PASSAGE 17  China's two-edged sword pains US
 PASSAGE 18  US cashes in on Asian conflict
 PASSAGE 19  A Rush to War--Now a Rush Out of One?
 PASSAGE 20  Why Hate America?
 PASSAGE 21  Revealed Israel Made the Egyptian Army Go toPot
 PASSAGE 22  The Need to Follow the Nobel Lead
 PASSAGE 23  The Sky's the Limit
 PASSAGE 24  In the Shadow of Their Past
 PASSAGE 25  Four Words That Changed a Life 
 PASSAGE 26  Make Your Child a SelfStarter
 PASSAGE 27  Parenting on Trial
 PASSAGE 28  We Must Get Tough with Killer Kids
 PASSAGE 29  Where Crime Is on the Rut
 PASSAGE 30  To Save Her Daughter's Life 
 PASSAGE 31  Have You Seen This Child?
 PASSAGE 32  Dealing with Difficult Neighbors
 PASSAGE 33  My Goals
 PASSAGE 34  Locked Out at a Young Age
 PASSAGE 35  War against Drugs
 PASSAGE 36  The AIDS Crisis
 PASSAGE 37  Assisted Suicides Are Rare, Survey of DoctorsFinds
 PASSAGE 38  A Technology Expert's Computer Commentary
 PASSAGE 39  \Information Fatigue\ Saps the E-mail Set
 PASSAGE 40  Communicating in the New Age
Appendix Ⅰ  Chief News Aoencies in the World
Appendix Ⅱ  Keys to Exercises,Notes to Text and New Words
