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定 价:¥32.00

作 者: 朱学宁,杨国民,舒立志 主编
出版社: 北京师范大学出版社
标 签: 其它行业外语


ISBN: 9787303129911 出版时间: 2011-08-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 254 字数:  


  我国的会展在不同区域的发展是不平衡的,且与欧洲会展发达的国家之间还存有较大差距。近年来德、英、法、美等国会展企业纷纷落户我国,对会展从业人员外语方面的要求日渐趋高。从会展工作实际情景来看,英语在会展活动的组织、服务、接待、营销和谈判等方面都起着至关重要的作用。学生一旦能够在工作岗位上用英语解决他们遇到的具体问题,反过来又会增强他们使用英语的热情。《高职高专“十二五”规划教材·行业英语系列:会展实务英语教程》以展会主办方的视角出发进行编写,分为展览和会议两部分。《高职高专“十二五”规划教材·行业英语系列:会展实务英语教程》以展会项目运作流程为主线,体现英语在展会工作中的实际运用。每个单元都以听和读的言语输入作铺垫,为学生的英语口语表达输出做准备,避免简单、空洞的模仿。每个单元都辟有专门的模块讲解展会常用的应用文,使学习者能在听、说、读、写、译方面得到全面均衡的发展。《高职高专“十二五”规划教材·行业英语系列:会展实务英语教程》内容涉及会展业发展、展览市场调研、展览项目策划、展览广告、展览营销、展览招商、第三方服务合同管理、企业参展、现场管理与服务、展会评估、会议策划及实施、会议现场服务及会后旅游与奖励旅游等方面。《高职高专“十二五”规划教材·行业英语系列:会展实务英语教程》每个单元由一个知识模块和五个学习模块组成。Knowledge Linking简明扼要讲解本单元涵盖的知识要点;Warming-up模块,通过讨论、匹配和听音来热身;Things to Read and Translate模块,引导学生研读主课文,完成阅读理解、专业词汇匹配和翻译等练习,积淀言语输出的素材;Listening and Speaking模块,强化学生的听写练习、瞬间记忆的复述练习和情境会话能力的培养;Things to Write模块呈现展会中常见的应用写作,通过例文、模板、写作要点提示和实际动手,培养学生写的能力;Further Things to Read与Things to Read and Translate形成补充关系,意在为学生能更多地接触英语,提供与该单元主题相关的素材。书后有词汇和专业术语的总汇,并选取了三个附录:市场调研、参观预注册登记表、问卷调查,以供学习者在需要时参考使用。《高职高专“十二五”规划教材·行业英语系列:会展实务英语教程》适合已学习了一年基础英语的高职高专学生使用,生词的选取以B级后词汇为依据(个别有特别含义的单词除外),注音则采用新课标后通用的国际音标形式。




Unit 1 Survey of the Exhibition and Convention Industry
Knowledge Linking
Module 1 Warming-up
Module 2 Things to Read and Translate
Text A History of Trade Shows & Exhibitions
Module 3 Listening and Speaking
Module 4 Things to Write -- Application Form
Module 5 Further Things to Read
Text B General Introduction of Canton Fair
Unit 2 Market Research on Exhibition Project
Knowledge Linking
Module 1 Warming-up
Module 2 Things to Read and Translate
Text A Prior Research
Module 3 Listening and Speaking
Module 4 Things to Write -- Market Report
Module 5 Further Things to Read
Text B What is Market Research?
Unit 3 Planning an Exhibition
Knowledge Linking
Module 1 Warming-up
Module 2 Things to Read and Translate
Text A Steps to Success for Your Exhibition Planning
Module 3 Listening and Speaking
Module 4 Things to Write: Exhibition Proposal
Module 5 Further Things to Read
Text B Exhibition Proposals of Art: The Basics
Unit 4 Advertising
Knowledge Linking
Module 1 Warming-up
Module 2 Things to Read and Translate
Text A How Can Trade Show Organizers Promote Trade Shows to Attract Buyers and Sellers?
Module 3 Listening and Speaking
Module 4 Things to Write: Exhibition Guide
Module 5 Further Things to Read
Text B Tell the World Your Exhibiting -- If You Don't,No-one Else Will!
Unit 5 Sales Promotion
Knowledge Linking
Module 1 Warming-up
Module 2 Things to Read and Translate
Text A Five Tips for Better E-marketing
Module 3 Listening and Speaking
Module 4 Things to Write: Exhibition Invitation (Email)
Module 5 Further Things to Read
Text B Traditional Media is Still the Key to Show Promotion
Unit 6 Inviting Businesses
Knowledge Linking
Module 1 Warming-up
Module 2 Things to Read and Translate
Text A Five Channels to Attract Visitors to Visit Organizations and
Module 3 Listening and Speaking
Module 4 Things to Write. Invitation Letter
Module 5 Further Things to Read
Text B IJT 2010 Post Shows Report. Quality Buyers Boost Exhibitor Satisfaction
Unit 7 Contract Management of Third-Party Services
Knowledge Linking
Module 1 Warming-up
Module 2 Things to Read and Translate
Text A Contractor Selection
Module 3 Listening and Speaking
Module 4 Things to Write. Contract
Module 5 Further Things to Read
Text B Official Service Contractor (MC2) and Guidelines for Exhibitor Appointed Contractors
Unit 8 Attending Exhibition
Knowledge Linking
Module 1 Warming-up
Module 2 Things to Read and Translate
Text A What your Exhibition Company can do for you
Module 3 Listening and Speaking
Module 4 Things to Write: Company Profile
Module 5 Further Things to Read
Text B Trade Show Success Tip: Train Your Exhibiting Staff
Unit 9 On-site Management and Services
Knowledge Linking
Module 1 Warming-up
Module 2 Things to Read and Translate
Text A On the Fence: The Factors that Most Influence Exhibitors in the Go/ No-go Decision
Module 3 Listening and Speaking
Module 4 Things to Write: Adjustment Letter
Module 5 Further Things to Read
Text B Electricity Safety
Unit 10 Exhibition Assessment
Knowledge Linking
Module 1 Warming-up
Module 2 Things to Read and Translate
Text A Understanding Post-exhibit Value Assessment Research
Module 3 Listening and Speaking
Module 4 Things to Write: Post-Exhibit Report
Module 5 Further Things to Read
Text B How to Evaluate Exhibits
Unit 11 Planning and Executing a Convention
Knowledge Linking
Module 1 Warming-up
Module 2 Things to Read and Translate
Text A Planning of Convention
Module 3 Listening and Speaking
Module 4 Things to Write: Minutes
Module 5 Further Things to Read
Text B The Development of Convention History
Unit 12 On-site Service
Knowledge Linking
Module 1 Warming-up
Module 2 Things to Read and Translate
Text A Arranging a Conference
Module 3 Listening and Speaking
Module 4 Things to'Write -- Opening Speech
Module 5 Further Things to Read
Text B Green Catering Services Company Catering Services for your Event in China
Unit 13 Post-convention Tour and Incentive Travel
Knowledge Linking
Module 1 Warming-up
Module 2 Things to Read and Translate
Text A Meetings and Incentive Travel
Module 3 Listening and Speaking
Module 4 Things to Write -- Tour Itinerary
Module 5 Further Things to Read
Text B Incentive Travel Specialists
Technical Terms
Supplementary 1 Market Report of Selected Electrical Home Appliances
Supplementary 2 Professional Buyers Pre-registration Form
Supplementary 3 2010中国旅游分销高峰论坛问卷调查表
