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当前位置: 首页出版图书科学技术计算机/网络图形图像、多媒体、网页制作综合自顶向下网络设计(英文版 第3版)

自顶向下网络设计(英文版 第3版)

自顶向下网络设计(英文版 第3版)

定 价:¥69.00

作 者: (美)奥本海默 著
出版社: 人民邮电出版社
标 签: 网页设计


ISBN: 9787115265449 出版时间: 2011-11-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 447 字数:  


  《自顶向下网络设计(英文版)(第3版)》是围绕自顶向下网络设计步骤编写的,提供给网络设计者一种系统的结构化网络设计方法。《自顶向下网络设计(英文版)(第3版)》分为4个部分,即客户需求和目标、逻辑网络设计、物理网络设计,以及网络测试、优化和文档编写。4个部分分别对应着网络 设计的各个重要阶段,每个阶段都提供给读者详细的设计指导原则,内容涵盖网络设计的方方面面。《自顶向下网络设计(英文版)(第3版)》从用户商业和技术目标的分析入手,从而制定出相应的网络流量、负载和QoS需求,进而开发网络的逻辑拓扑结构,然后进入地址规划、协议选择、网络安全和网络管理实施策略制定,最后是对网络设备的选型建议以及网络实施、测试和文档编写。《自顶向下网络设计(英文版)(第3版)》每章以复习题和设计环境作为一章的总结和回顾,理论与实践相结合,从而让读者更好地理解和掌握自顶向下网络设计的思想。 《自顶向下网络设计(英文版)(第3版)》适合Cisco代理商、网络运营商、其他网络设备商的网络部署人员、售后技术支持人员阅读;网络维护人员,以及网络技术爱好者也可以从《自顶向下网络设计(英文版)(第3版)》中获益。


  作者:(美国)奥本海默(Priscilla Oppenheimer)


introduction xxii
part i identifying your customer's needs and goals 
chapter  analyzing business goals and constraints 
using a top-down network design methodology 
using a structured network design process 
systems development life cycles 
plan design implement operate optimize (pdioo) network lifecycle 
analyzing business goals 
working with your client 
changes in enterprise networks 
networks must make business sense 
networks offer a service 
the need to support mobile users 
the importance of network security and resiliency 
typical network design business goals 
identifying the scope of a network design project 
identifying a customer's network applications 
analyzing business constraints 
politics and policies .budgetary and staffing constraints 
project scheduling 
business goals checklist 
review questions 
design scenario 
chapter  analyzing technical goals and tradeoffs 
planning for expansion 
expanding access to data 
constraints on scalability 
disaster recovery 
specifying availability requirements 
five nines availability 
the cost of downtime 
mean time between failure and mean time to repair 
network performance 
network performance definitions 
optimum network utilization 
throughput of internetworking devices 
application layer throughput 
delay and delay variation 
causes of delay 
delay variation 
response time 
identifying network assets 
analyzing security risks 
reconnaissance attacks 
denial-of-service attacks 
developing security requirements 
making network design tradeoffs 
technical goals checklist 
review questions 
design scenario 
chapter  characterizing the existing internetwork 
characterizing the network infrastructure 
developing a network map 
characterizing large internetworks 
characterizing the logical architecture 
developing a modular block diagram 
characterizing network addressing and naming 
characterizing wiring and media 
checking architectural and environmental constraints 
checking a site for a wireless installation 
performing a wireless site survey 
checking the health of the existing internetwork 
developing a baseline of network performance 
analyzing network availability 
analyzing network utilization 
measuring bandwidth utilization by protocol 
analyzing network accuracy 
analyzing errors on switched ethernet networks 
analyzing network efficiency 
analyzing delay and response time 
checking the status of major routers, switches, andfirewalls 
network health checklist 
review questions 
hands-on project 
design scenario 
chapter  characterizing network traffic 
characterizing traffic flow 
identifying major traffic sources and stores 
documenting traffic flow on the existing network 
characterizing types of traffic flow for new networkapplications 
terminal/host traffic flow 
client/server traffic flow 
peer-to-peer traffic flow 
server/server traffic flow 
distributed computing traffic flow 
traffic flow in voice over ip networks 
documenting traffic flow for new and existing networkapplications 
characterizing traffic load 
calculating theoretical traffic load 
documenting application-usage patterns 
refining estimates of traffic load caused by applications 
estimating traffic load caused by routing protocols 
characterizing traffic behavior 
broadcast/multicast behavior 
network efficiency 
frame size 
windowing and flow control 
error-recovery mechanisms 
characterizing quality of service requirements 
atm qos specifications 
constant bit rate service category 
real-time variable bit rate service category 
non-real-time variable bit rate service category 
unspecified bit rate service category 
available bit rate service category 
guaranteed frame rate service category 
ietf integrated services working group qos specifications 
controlled-load service 
guaranteed service 
ietf differentiated services working group qosspecifications 
grade of service requirements for voice applications 
documenting qos requirements 
network traffic checklist 
review questions 
design scenario 
summary for part i 
part ii logical network design 
chapter  designing a network topology 
hierarchical network design 
why use a hierarchical network design model? 
flat versus hierarchical topologies 
flat wan topologies 
flat lan topologies 
mesh versus hierarchical-mesh topologies 
classic three-layer hierarchical model 
core layer 
distribution layer 
access layer 
guidelines for hierarchical network design 
redundant network design topologies 
backup paths 
load sharing 
modular network design 
cisco safe security reference architecture 
designing a campus network design topology 
spanning tree protocol 
spanning tree cost values 
rapid spanning tree protocol 
rstp convergence and reconvergence 
selecting the root bridge 
scaling the spanning tree protocol 
virtual lans 
fundamental vlan designs 
wireless lans 
positioning an access point for maximum coverage 
wlans and vlans 
redundant wireless access points 
redundancy and load sharing in wired lans 
server redundancy 
workstation-to-router redundancy 
hot standby router protocol 
gateway load balancing protocol 
designing the enterprise edge topology 
redundant wan segments 
circuit diversity 
multihoming the internet connection 
virtual private networking 
site-to-site vpns 
remote-access vpns 
service provider edge 
secure network design topologies 
planning for physical security 
meeting security goals with firewall topologies 
review questions 
design scenario 
chapter  designing models for addressing and numbering 
guidelines for assigning network layer addresses 
using a structured model for network layer addressing 
administering addresses by a central authority 
distributing authority for addressing 
using dynamic addressing for end systems 
ip dynamic addressing 
ip version  dynamic addressing 
zero configuration networking 
using private addresses in an ip environment 
caveats with private addressing 
network address translation 
using a hierarchical model for assigning addresses 
why use a hierarchical model for addressing and routing? 
hierarchical routing 
classless interdomain routing 
classless routing versus classful routing 
route summarization (aggregation) 
route summarization example 
route summarization tips 
discontiguous subnets 
mobile hosts 
variable-length subnet masking 
hierarchy in ip version  addresses 
link-local addresses 
global unicast addresses 
ipv addresses with embedded ipv addresses 
designing a model for naming 
distributing authority for naming 
guidelines for assigning names 
assigning names in a netbios environment 
assigning names in an ip environment 
the domain name system 
dynamic dns names 
ipv name resolution 
review questions 
design scenario 
chapter  selecting switching and routing protocols 
making decisions as part of the top-down network designprocess 
selecting switching protocols 
switching and the osi layers 
transparent bridging 
selecting spanning tree protocol enhancements 
uplinkfast and backbonefast 
unidirectional link detection 
protocols for transporting vlan information 
ieee .q 
dynamic trunk protocol 
vlan trunking protocol 
selecting routing protocols 
characterizing routing protocols 
distance-vector routing protocols 
link-state routing protocols 
routing protocol metrics 
hierarchical versus nonhierarchical routing protocols 
interior versus exterior routing protocols 
classful versus classless routing protocols 
dynamic versus static and default routing 
on-demand routing 
scalability constraints for routing protocols 
routing protocol convergence 
ip routing 
routing information protocol 
enhanced interior gateway routing protocol 
open shortest path first 
intermediate system-to-intermediate system 
border gateway protocol 
using multiple routing protocols in an internetwork 
routing protocols and the hierarchical design model 
redistribution between routing protocols 
integrated routing and bridging 
a summary of routing protocols 
review questions 
design scenario 
chapter  developing network security strategies 
network security design 
identifying network assets 
analyzing security risks 
analyzing security requirements and tradeoffs 
developing a security plan 
developing a security policy 
components of a security policy 
developing security procedures 
maintaining security 
security mechanisms 
physical security 
accounting (auditing) 
data encryption 
public/private key encryption 
packet filters 
intrusion detection and prevention systems 
modularizing security design 
securing internet connections 
securing public servers 
securing e-commerce servers 
securing remote-access and vpns 
securing remote-access technologies 
securing vpns 
securing network services and network management 
securing server farms 
securing user services 
securing wireless networks 
authentication in wireless networks 
data privacy in wireless networks 
review questions 
design scenario 
chapter  developing network management strategies 
network management design 
proactive network management 
network management processes 
fault management 
configuration management 
accounting management 
performance management 
security management 
network management architectures 
in-band versus out-of-band monitoring 
centralized versus distributed monitoring 
selecting network management tools and protocols 
selecting tools for network management 
simple network management protocol 
management information bases (mib) 
remote monitoring (rmon) 
cisco discovery protocol 
cisco netflow accounting 
estimating network traffic caused by network management 
review questions 
design scenario 
summary for part ii 
part iii physical network design 
chapter  selecting technologies and devices for campusnetworks 
lan cabling plant design 
cabling topologies 
building-cabling topologies 
campus-cabling topologies 
types of cables 
lan technologies 
ethernet basics 
ethernet and ieee . 
ethernet technology choices 
half-duplex and full-duplex ethernet 
-mbps ethernet 
gigabit ethernet 
-gbps ethernet 
selecting internetworking devices for a campus networkdesign 
criteria for selecting campus internetworking devices 
optimization features on campus internetworking devices 
example of a campus network design 
background information for the campus network design project 
business goals 
technical goals 
network applications 
user communities 
data stores (servers) 
current network at wvcc 
traffic characteristics of network applications 
summary of traffic flows 
performance characteristics of the current network 
network redesign for wvcc 
optimized ip addressing and routing for the campus backbone 
wireless network 
improved performance and security for the edge of thenetwork 
review questions 
design scenario 
chapter  selecting technologies and devices for enterprisenetworks 
remote-access technologies 
multilink ppp and multichassis multilink ppp 
password authentication protocol and challenge handshake
authentication protocol 
cable modem remote access 
challenges associated with cable modem systems 
digital subscriber line remote access 
other dsl implementations 
ppp and adsl 
selecting remote-access devices for an enterprise
network design 
selecting devices for remote users 
selecting devices for the central site 
wan technologies 
systems for provisioning wan bandwidth 
leased lines 
synchronous optical network 
frame relay 
frame relay hub-and-spoke topologies and subinterfaces 
frame relay congestion control mechanisms 
frame relay traffic control 
frame relay/atm interworking 
ethernet over atm 
metro ethernet 
selecting routers for an enterprise wan design 
selecting a wan service provider 
example of a wan design 
background information for the wan design project 
business and technical goals 
network applications 
user communities 
data stores (servers) 
current network 
traffic characteristics of the existing wan 
wan design for klamath paper products 
review questions 
design scenario 
summary for part iii 
part iv testing, optimizing, and documenting your networkdesign 
chapter  testing your network design 
using industry tests 
building and testing a prototype network system 
determining the scope of a prototype system 
testing a prototype on a production network 
writing and implementing a test plan for your network design 
developing test objectives and acceptance criteria 
determining the types of tests to run 
documenting network equipment and other resources 
writing test scripts 
documenting the project timeline 
implementing the test plan 
tools for testing a network design 
types of tools 
examples of network testing tools 
ciscoworks internetwork performance monitor 
wandl network planning and analysis tools 
opnet technologies 
ixia tools 
netiq voice and video management solution 
netpredict’s netpredictor 
review questions 
design scenario 
chapter  optimizing your network design 
optimizing bandwidth usage with ip multicast technologies 
ip multicast addressing 
internet group management protocol 
multicast routing protocols 
distance vector multicast routing protocol 
protocol independent multicast 
reducing serialization delay 
link-layer fragmentation and interleaving 
compressed real-time transport protocol 
optimizing network performance to meet quality of service
ip precedence and type of service 
ip differentiated services field 
resource reservation protocol 
common open policy service protocol 
classifying lan traffic 
cisco ios features for optimizing network performance 
switching techniques 
classic methods for layer  packet switching 
netflow switching 
cisco express forwarding 
queuing services 
first-in, first-out queuing 
priority queuing 
custom queuing 
weighted fair queuing 
class-based weighted fair queuing 
low-latency queuing 
random early detection 
weighted random early detection 
traffic shaping 
committed access rate 
review questions 
design scenario 
chapter  documenting your network design 
responding to a customer’s request for proposal 
contents of a network design document 
executive summary 
project goal 
project scope 
design requirements 
business goals 
technical goals 
user communities and data stores 
network applications 
current state of the network 
logical design 
physical design 
results of network design testing 
implementation plan 
project schedule 
project budget 
return on investment 
design document appendix 
review questions 
design scenario 
