1 让孩子与英语亲近的日常生活英语
Drop the bad habits and keep the good ones!
2 陶冶情致的音乐英语
We listen to music and express our feelings!
3 提高逻辑思维能力的数学英语
We can solve math problems helping each other!
4 启发想象力与创造力的科学英语
We can find scientific knowledge in our daily lives!
5 激发创作力的美术英语
We like to create art projects together!
6 有益身心健康的身体英语
Eat right, exercise regularly, and stay healthy!
7 培养好习惯的饮食英语
We enjoy talking in English while cooking!
8 丰富生活体验的社会英语
We try to understand the world we live in!
9 塑造好品格的人性英语
Do the right thing!
We enjoy the days in our lives!
Focus and speak correctly like native speakers!