论文中古诗学——文章学的思辨形态和理论架构——从《文心雕龙》到《诗式》The Speculative Forms and Theoretical Framework in Poetic Study ofLiterary Composition in Medieval China: from Wenxin Diaolong toShishi汉末建安的疫灾与文学The Transformation and Appearance in the End of Han Dynasty论任昉诗风On Ren Fang's Poetic Style唐宋词中的“门”:一个空间符号的分析?The Spatial Signifier of the \Door\ in Tang and Song Ci Poetry〖论宋代人鬼婚恋文言小説中的复活、冥婚与改葬故事Resurrection, Underworld?marriage and Re?burial Stories of the SongDynasty Fiction评《冯梦龙民歌集三种注解》的注解Discussion of Three Sets of Commentaries on an Anthology ofFolksongs Compiled by Feng Menglong清初遗民词曲社之文化原生态个案考论——北湖三家与特社Three Poets from North Lake and Their Salon Teshe: A Case Study ofthe Original Cultural Environment of Early Qing Salons for Lyricsand Arias Organized by Adherents of the Ming Dynasty现代性视域中的晚清小説研究A Study of Late Qing?Fiction from the Perspective of \Modernity\江湜游闽和福建诗风转型Jiang Shi's Journey to Min Province and Changes to Fujian Poetry由“无我之境”到“诗中有画”:抒情主体之道From \Impersonal Inscape\ to \Painterliness in Poetry\: The Way ofthe Lyrical Subject论宗教与文学中的“哪吒手段”On\Nezha Supernatural Power\ of religion and literature “电影”感受“政治”的瞬间:左翼思潮与上海电影文化——以《神女》爲例The Left-Wing Movement and Shanghai Movie Culture: on The Goddess左翼视野下的民衆——鲁迅与福柯的一个比较\The Masses in the Eyes of the Left: A Comparative Study of Lu Xunand Michel Foucault流放地的爱情罗曼史——米兰·昆德拉与张贤亮比较研究之一Romance in Places of Exile: A Comparative Study of Milan Kunderaand Zhang Xianliang论董啓章《V城繁胜録》对“香港文化身份”的建构与思考The Construction and Exploration of \Cultural Identity of HongKong\-A study of Dong Qizhang's V Cheng Fan Sheng Lu (VisibleCities)《説文》籀文形体特点试探——兼论籀文与西周金文之关系A study on the style and characteristics of \Zhou?wen\ as seen inShuowenjiezi —— a discussion on the relationship between \Zhou?wen\and the inscriptions of Western Zhou dynasty蔡上翔《王荆公年谱考略》诗文系年正误Correction of Errors in the Chronology of Wang Anshi's Poetry andProse in Cai Shangxiang's A Brief Study of the Chronology of WangJinggong李焘《六朝通监博议》的和战思想Li Tao′s thought on peace making: reflection on Liuchao tongjianboyi文本研究的证明方法反省——以成文法及普通法法统对《大清商律》法律思想的影响爲例A review on the methods of interpretations, the case of thelegislative effects of statute and common law systems on thetheories of Daqingshanglu重读古德诺Rediscovering Goodnow : A perspective of his time during Yuan'sreign5书评《吴渔山及其华化天学》《易学对德川日本的影响》《中国历史中的情感文化——对明清文献的跨学科文本研究》《中国近代士阶层研究》