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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语大学英语数控专业英语



定 价:¥29.00

作 者: 万鹏 主编
出版社: 哈尔滨工程大学出版社
标 签: 大学专业英语教材


ISBN: 9787566101662 出版时间: 2011-07-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 239 字数:  


  本书主要介绍了数控专业有关的英语知识,取材源于英美文献原著,编写时对原文只作删节,不作改写。文章文笔流畅,具有一定的趣味性,可起到巩固专业课教学内容的作用。全书包括工程材料及其热处理、数控刀具与夹具设计、数控机床介绍、数控车床和数控铣床以及数控加工中心零件编程与操作、数控制造过程、CAD/CAM/CAE/CIM、特种(非传统)加工八个学习项目。每一节均包括课文、注释、单词与词组、巩固、翻译等内容板块;每个学习项目后还设有练习题。 本书既可以作为高职高专数控专业及机械类专业英语教材或课外读物,也可以作为从事数控专业与机械方面工作的工程技术人员的自学参考用书,同时还可以作为成人教育或培训班的培训用书。




Project One  Engineering Materials and Heat Treatment
  Section 1  Engineering Materials
  Section 2  Kinds of Steel
  Section 3  Polymers
  Section 4  Mold Materials
  Section 5  Heat Treatment of Metals
Project Two  Cutting Tool, Fixture and Location of CNC
  Section 1  Cutting Tool Design
  Section 2  Tooling System and Automatic ToolChanger
  Section 3  Cutting Dosages and Cutting Fluids
  Section 4  Workholding Devices
  Section 5  Jig and Fixture Design
Project Three  An Introduction to CNC Machine Tools
  Section 1  An Introduction to the Working Principles ofCNC Machine Tools
  Section 2  CNC Lathe
  Section 3  CNC Machining Center
Project Four  Programming and Operating CNC Lathe andCNCMilling Machine
 Section 1  Programming CNC Lathe and Milling Machine
 Section 2  Operating CNC Lathe and CNC Milling Machine
Project Five  Programming and Operating CNC MachiningCenter
 Section l  Programming CNC Machining Center
 Section 2  Automatic Programming
 Section 3  Machining Part on the Machining Center
Project Six  CNC Machining Processes
 Section 1  Manufacturing Process
 Section 2  Program Planning 
 Section 3  Measurement g> Inspection
Project Seven  CAD/CAlVl/CAE/ClM
 Section 1  CAD/CAM/CNC
 Section 2  CAD/CAM
 Section 3  CIM
 Section 4  CAE
 Section 5  Application of CAD/CAM Software
Project Eight  Nontraditional Manufacturing
 Section 1  Electrical Discharge Machining
 Section 2  Wire Electrical Discharge Machining (WireEDM)
  Section 3  Electro-discharge Machines
  Section 4  Electrochemical Machining (ECM)
