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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语职业、行业英语信息科学类专业英语(第二版)



定 价:¥22.00

作 者: 韩俊岗,袁立行,王忠民 编著
出版社: 西安电子科技大学出版社
标 签: 其它行业外语


ISBN: 9787560625461 出版时间: 2011-02-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 222 字数:  






Lesson 1 Towards a Mathematical Science of Computation(第一课 数学化的计算科学的前景) Vocabulary(词汇) Important Sentences(重点句) Questions and Answers(问答) Problems(问题)Lesson 2 Extreme Scale Computing(第二课 超大规模计算) Vocabulary(词汇) Important Sentences(重点句) Questions and Answers(问答) Problems(问题)Lesson 3 Utilisation of the GPU Architecture for HPC(第三课 GPU用于高性能计算) Vocabulary(词汇) Important Sentences(重点句) Questions and Answers(问答) Problems(问题)Lesson 4 Quantum Computing(第四课 量子计算) Vocabulary(词汇) Important Sentences(重点句) Questions and Answers(问答) Problems(问题) Reading Material(阅读材料)Lesson 5 Introduction to Cloud Computing(第五课 云计算简介) Vocabulary(词汇) Important Sentences(重点句) Questions and Answers(问答) Problems(问题) Reading Material(阅读材料)Lesson 6 The Internet of Things(第六课 物联网) Vocabulary(词汇) Important Sentences(重点句) Multiple-choice Questions(多选题) Problems(问题)Lesson 7 Configurable Computing(第七课 可重构计算) Vocabulary(词汇) Important Sentences(重点句) Questions and Answers(问答) Problems(问题) Reading Material(阅读材料)Lesson 8 Top-down SoC Design Methodology(第八课 自顶向下的SoC设计方法学) Vocabulary(词汇) Important Sentences(重点句) Questions and Answers(问答) Problems(问题)Lesson 9 Survey of Research and Practices of Network-on-Chip(第九课 片上网络的研究与实践综述) Vocabulary(词汇) Important Sentences(重点句) Questions and Answers(问答) Problems(问题)Lesson 10 Data Warehouse Overview(第十课 数据仓库概论) Vocabulary(词汇) Important Sentences(重点句) Questions and Answers(问答) Problems(问题)Lesson 11 Agent-Oriented Software Engineering(第十一课 面向智能体的软件工程) Vocabulary(词汇) Important Sentences(重点句) Questions and Answers(问答) Problems(问题)Lesson 12 Why So,ware should not Have Owners?(第十二课 为什么软件不应当有所有者?) Vocabulary(词汇) Important Sentences(重点句) Questions and Answers(问答) Problems(问题)Lesson 13 About 4G(第十三课 关于4G) Vocabulary(词汇) Important Sentences(重点句) Questions and Answers(问答) Problems(问题)Lesson 14 What the Internet might Look like in 2020(第十四课 2020年的因特网) Vocabulary(词汇) Important Sentences(重点句) Multiple-choice Questions(多选题) Problems(问题)Lesson 15 How Do Search Engines Work?(第十五课 搜索引擎如何工作?) Vocabulary(词汇) Important Sentences(重点句) Multiple-choice Questions(多选题) Problems(问题)Lesson 16 Embedded Systems: a Primer(第十六课 嵌入式系统:初级) Vocabulary(词汇) Important Sentences(重点句) Multiple-choice Questions(多选题) Problems(问题)Lesson 17 Wearable Computing FAQ(第十七课 可穿戴计算机) Vocabulary(词汇) Important Sentences(重点句) Questions and Answers(问答) Problems(问题) Reading Material(阅读材料)Lesson 18 How Close are Artificial Noses to Development and Whatare the Potential Uses?(第十八课 人工嗅觉的发展及其应用) Vocabulary(词汇) Important Sentences(重点句) Questions and Answers(问答) Problems(问题)Lesson 19 Smart Rooms(第十九课 智能房间) Vocabulary(词汇) Important Sentences(重点句) Questions and Answers(问答) Problems(问题)Lesson 20 Recent Advances in Computer Vision(第二十课 计算机视觉的新进展) Vocabulary(词汇) Important Sentences(重点句) Questions and Answers(问答) Problems(问题)Lesson 21 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence(第二十一课 现代人工智能简介) Vocabulary(词汇) Important Sentences(重点句) Multiple-Choice Questions(多选题) Problems(问题) Reading Material(阅读材料)Lesson 22 Moore's Iaw: the Future of Simicroelectronics(第二十二课 摩尔定律:硅微电子学的未来) Vocabulary(词汇) Important Sentences(重点句) Questions and Answers(问答) Problems(问题)Lesson 23 Introduction to Bioinformatics(第二十三课 生物信息学简介) Vocabulary(词汇) Important Sentences(重点句) Questions and Answers(问答) Problems(问题)Lesson 24 An Introduction to MEMS(Micro-electromechanical Systems)(第二十四课 微机电系统简介) Vocabulary(词汇) Important Sentences(重点句) Questions and Answers(问答) Problems(问题)Lesson 25 About Nanotechnology)(第二十五课 关于纳米技术) Vocabulary(词汇) Important Sentences(重点句) Questions and Answers(问答) Problems(问题)
