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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语职业、行业英语物流英语(第二版)



定 价:¥30.00

作 者: 汪洪章,杨昌蓉 主编
出版社: 科学出版社
标 签: 其它行业外语


ISBN: 9787030320315 出版时间: 2006-03-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 262 字数:  






Unit One Elements of Logistics
TextA A BriefHistory ofLogistics and Transportation
Text B The "L" in Logistics Stands for Location
Text C Challenges in Managing the 3PL Relationship
Text D Retail Logistics
Unit Two Global Logistics
Text A Five Minutes with Emirates Air's Peter Sedgley
Text B Going with the Flow in Mexico
Text C DHLAdds Supply Chain Services, Signs Sun
Text D Logistics in China
Unit Three Inventory Management
Text A Levels ofDecisions inlnventory Management
Text B Just-in-Time Inventory Management
Text C Advantages and Disadvantages ofjIT
Text D Classifyinglnventory Management Problems
UnitFour Warehousing
TextA StrategicWarehousing
Text B Web Firms Go on Warehouse Building Boom
Text C Improving Warehouse Productivity and Operational Performance
Text D Warehousing Trends in the Apparellndustry
Unit Five Packaging
TextA Packaging Perspectives
Text B Functions ofPackaging.
Text C Reusable Shipping Containers
TextD OceanCargo
Unit Six Transportation:Air, Marine and Ground
Text A International Air Transportation
Text B Ocean Ships and Shipping
Text C Surface Transport to and from Ports
Text D Transportation Infrastructure
Unit Seven Essentials of Supply Chain Management
TextA Supply Chain Management
Text B Interorganizational Supply Chain Collaboration
Text C Cost Management in a Global Supply Chain
Text D Delivery and Logistics Management
Unit Eight Organizing for Effective Logistics
TextA Types ofLogistics Organizational Structures
Text B Importance ofan Effective Logistics Organization
Text C Decision-Making Strategies in Organizing for Logistics
Text D Relationship Development and Management
Unit Nine Logistics Information Management
TextA BenefitsofEDIImplement
Text B Using Logistics Information Systems to Support Time-Based Competition
Text C Decision Support Systems
Text D The Logistics Information System .,
Unit Ten Logistics Engineering and Management
TextA Developing a Strategic Logistics Plan
Text B Linking Logistics Strategy with Corporate Strategy
Text C Future Challenges and Criticallssues in the Strategic Planning Process
Text D Operational Security
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