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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语大学英语大学英语快速阅读(第1册)



定 价:¥23.00

作 者: 许珊珊 主编
出版社: 同济大学出版社
标 签: 大学英语教材


ISBN: 9787560846996 出版时间: 2011-10-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 110 字数:  






Unit 1
 Text A  Using Paper Beads to Improve Ugandan Lives
 Text B  For Some Teens, a Busy Life Takes Fun Out of HighSchool \
 Text C  Not All Going on a Summer Holiday
 Text D  Lecture or Interactive Teaching?
Unit 2
 TextA  Back to the Future (Ⅰ)
 Text B  Back to the Future (Ⅱ)
 Text C  John Dewey: Educator and \America's Philosopher
 Text D  Roosevelt's Death Makes Truman President
Unit 3
 Text A  Chinese Clinics Push \Multiple Baby Pills\
 Text B  Jet Lag Slows Hamster Brains 
 Text C  Autoimmune Diseases When the Body Starts AttackingItself( Ⅰ )
 Text D  Autoimmune Diseases When the Body Starts AttackingItself( Ⅱ )
Unit 4
 Text A  National Debts Can Threaten EconomicGrowth                                               
 Text B  The iPad Trumps Oil: Apple Is Most Valuable U. S.Company                                 
 Text C  Adobe and Apple Reach a Flash Point
 Text D  Manufacturers in Wenzhou Adapt to the ChangingTimes 
Unit 5
 Text A  Breaking the Habit
 Text B  Want to Live Longer? Turn Off Your TV
 Text C  The New American Food Culture
 Text D  U.S. Companies Help Families Adjust to LifeOverseas
Unit 6
 Text A  Confucius Institute Helps Governor's School StudentsExperience Chinese Culture
 Text B  The Perfect Poise of Tan Yuanyuan
 Text C  Tips on Table Manners
 Text D  Crime and Punishment 
Unit 7
 Text A  After Second World War, a Baby Boom
 Text B  On the Death of Martin Luther King
 Text C  Aristotle on Friendship
 Text D  The Pleasure of Books
Unit 8
 Text A  New Year's Day
 Text B  England Riots: Cameron Says Police Admit to WrongTactics
 Text C  If Flour + Sugar + Children = Mess, Why Let ThemBake?
 Text D  Popular Ways to Get in Shape
