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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语大学英语大学英语快速阅读(第3册)



定 价:¥23.00

作 者: 刘雪成 主编
出版社: 同济大学出版社
标 签: 大学英语教材


ISBN: 9787560846927 出版时间: 2011-10-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 134 字数:  






Unit 1
 Text A Why Is There No Looting in Japan?
 Text B Why Are the Himalayan Glaciers Melting?
 Text C  History of Ivory Soap   
 Text D Bill Gates No Longer World's Richest Man after Giving awayBillions 
Unit 2
 Text A Sodium: How to Tame Your Salt Habit Now (1) 
 Text B Sodium: How to Tame Your Salt Habit Now (2)
 Text C Eating White Rice Increases Diabetes Risk While EatingBrown Rice CouldReducelt
 Text D Census Findings Show Changes in US Population 
Unit 3
 Text A Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior( I)
 Text B  Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior(II)
 Text C  Fl Must Do More to Sell Itself: Whitmarsh NN
 Text D  U S Investors Make History with Roma Takeover; MilanExtend Lead
Unit 4
 Text A Scientists Warn of Toxicity in Fish
 Text B China at 60: Nostalgia and Progress 
 Text C Top Three Nuclear Nations Quake Hazard 
 Text D What Makes You Attractive? 
Unit 5
 Text A 4 Financial Miscues in the Name of Love 
 Text B The Children-s Book Comes to Life Electronically Should WeBe Alarmed?
 Text D The Why-Worry Generation
Unit 6
 Text B The Kate Question: More or Less of Diana? 
 Text C China Gives Press More Freedom-for Food Safety
 Text D Five Biggest Myths About College Admissions
Unit 7
 Text A Why the Recession May Cause More Depression AmongMen 
 Text B Zombie Prevention: Your Child-s Sleep
 Text C A Memory Tonic for the Aging Brain 
 Text D Inside Hong Kong's Private Kitchens 
Unit 8
 Text A Beating Children Remains 
 Text B  At Princeton, Questions After Instructor-s Suicide 
 Text C Online Games, a Path to Young Consumers 
 Text D Sentenced to Witch Camp 
