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定 价:¥42.00

作 者: 张颖 主编
出版社: 中国农业出版社
标 签: 大学专业英语教材


ISBN: 9787109128255 出版时间: 2009-06-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 478 字数:  






Part 1 Environmental Science
Unit 1 Introduction of Environmental Science
Unit 2 Main Environmental Concerr
Unit 3 Current Trends in Environmental Science
Unit 4 Analytical Technique and Methodology in the
Field of Environmental Science
Part 2 Ecological Principles and Their Applicaiion
Unit 5 Interrelated Scientific Principles:Matter,Energy,and Environment
Unit 6 Environments and Organisms
Unit 7 Succession of Ecosystems
Part 3 Atmospheric Environment and Control of Air Pollution
Unit 8 The Atmosphere
Unit 9 Types and Sources of Air Pollutants and Primary Air Pollutants
Unit 10 Photochemical Smog
Unit 11 Acid Rain
Unit 12 Global Warming and Climate Change
Unit 13 Ozone Layer
Unit 14 Introduction to Air Pollution Control
Unit 15 Control of Air Pollutant
The Latest Development Pollution Control Innovatior for
Power Plants
Part 4 Water and Pollution Control
Unit 16 The Hydrologic Cycle and the Water Issues
Unit 17 Sources of Water Pollution and Primary Pollutants
Unit 18 Measurement of Water Quality
Unit 19 Conventional and New Techniques of
Wastewater Treatment
Unit 20 Water Reuse and Recycling
Unit 21 Water Contaminant Monitoring
The Latest Development Ⅰ China's Temperature to Rise,Water Shortage to Woren:Report
The Latest Development Ⅱ China and India China,India Expedition to Find Sources of Two Big River
The Latest Development Ⅲ Prince of Orange Cares for Water Issues Pollution Incident
Part 5 Soil Environment and Pollution Controlling
Unit 22 Soil
Unit 23 Soil Pollution
Unit 24 New Methods of Cleaning up Heavy Metal in Soils and Water
Unit 25 Soil Degradation The Latest Development In Situ Chemical Oxidation
Part 6 Solid Waste Treatment and Reuse
Unit 26 Sources and Types of Solid Wastes
Unit 27 Handling Household Hazardous Waste (HHW)
Unit 28 Impacts of Solid Wastes
Unit 29 Waste Tra formation through Combustion
Unit 30 Waste Tra formation through Aerobic Composting
Unit 31 The Landfill Method of Solid Waste Disposal
Unit 32 Biological Process Selection
The Latest Development Ⅰ From Solid Waste Managementto Sustainable Economy
The Latest Development Ⅱ Turing up the Heat on Sludge Recycling
The Latest Development Ⅲ Biosolids and Global Warming:Evaluating the Management Impacts
The Latest Development Ⅳ Harnessing the Power of Biosolids
The Latest Development Ⅴ Research Projects Add Value to MSW Composting Facility
The Latest Development Ⅵ Comparing Recycling,Compostlng and Landfills
The Latest Development Ⅶ Managing the Organic Fraction of Municipal Solid Waste
Part 7 Physical Pollution and the Technology of Treatment
Unit 33 Sound and Noise
Unit 34 Noise Pollution and Control Technologies
Unit 35 Thermal Pollution
Unit 36 Radioactive Pollution
Unit 37 Light Pollution
Unit 38 Energy Co umption and Pollution
Part 8 Environmental Impact Assessment
Unit 39 A General Introduction to Environmental Impact Assessment
Unit 40 The Process of Environmental Impact Assessment
Unit 41 Use of Risk Analysis in Environmental Assessment The Latest Development Plant Ecotoxicology:
The Design and
Evaluation of Plant Performanee in Risk
Assessments and Foreric Ecology
Part 9 Environmental Policy and Management
Unit 42 China's Environmental Policy
Unit 43 Vehicle Emissior Reduction Policies in China
Unit 44 ISO 14000
The Latest Development Air Pollution Reduction Measures in China
Part I0 Sustainable Development of Environment
Unit 45 Approaches to “Green” Engineering
Unit 46 Barrier to a Sustainable Agricultural System
Unit 47 Solutior:Building a Sustainable Agricultural System
