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作 者: 冀汶莉 主编
出版社: 西安电子科技大学出版社
标 签: 大学专业英语教材


ISBN: 9787560626666 出版时间: 2011-09-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 272 字数:  






UNIT 1  Internet
  Lesson 1  History of the Internet(1)
  Lesson 2  History of the Internet(2)
  Lesson 3  History of the Internet(3)
  Reading Materials: LAN & WAN
UNIT 2  Introductio  to Electronic Commerce
  Lesson 4  What's E-commerce?
  Lesson 5  E-commerce Advantages and Disadvantages
  Reading Materials: How to Set Up Web Site Navigation?
UNIT 3  Types of E-commerce
  Lesson 6  Types of E-commerce and B2B E-commerce
  Lesson 7  B2C and C2C E-commerce
  Reading Materials: Electronic Commerce Basics
UNIT 4  Development Technology of E-commerce
  Lesson 8  What is ASP?
  Lesson 9  What is JSP?
  Reading Materials: Model-view-controller
UNIT 5  E-marketing
  Lesson 10  Induction of E-marketing
  Lesson 11  Main Strategies of E-marketing
  Reading Materials:Internet Advertising
UNIT6  Electronic Commerce Logistics
  Lesson 12  Introduction to Electronic CommerceLogistics
  Lesson 13  Logistics Information Technology
  Reading Materials: Reve e Logistics for in aElectronic-commerce   Environment
UNIT 7  Introductio  to Electronic Payment
  Lesson 14  Electronic Banking and Payments
  Lesson 15  Electronic Payment Systems: An Analysis andComparison of Types
  Reading Materials: E-payment and Related Protocols
UNIT 8  Electronic Commerce Security
  Lesson 16  Risk in E-commerce
  Lesson 17  E-commerce Security Controls
  Reading Materials: E-commerce Security Planning
UNIT 9  Website Law and Taxation
  Lesson 18  The ABC's of Website Law
  Lesson 19  Tax Issues in Electronic Commerce
  Reading Materials: The Digital Millennium CopyrightAct
UNIT 10  The Internet of Things
  Lesson 20  Internet of Things:A Survey
  Lesson 21  Applicatio  of the Internet ofThings
  Reading Materials: Security and Privacy of Internet ofThings
UNIT 11  Mobile Commerce
  Lesson 22  M-commerce and Application
  Lesson 23  M-commerce Value Chain
  Reading Materials: European Co umer Attitudes to MobileCommerce Key   Barrie  and Opportunities
附录A  科技英语语法
附录B  参考译文
UNIT 1  互联网
  Lesson 1  互联网的历史(1)
  Lesson 2  互联网的历史(2)
  Lesson 3  互联网的历史(3)
UNIT 2  电子商务介绍
  Lesson 4  什么是电子商务?
  Lesson 5  电子商务及其优势和劣势
UNIT 3  电子商务模式
  Lesson 6  电子商务模式和B2B电子商务
  Lesson 7  B2C电子商务和C2C电子商务
UNIT 4  电子商务开发技术
  Lesson 8  什么是ASP?
  Lesson 9  什么是JSP?
UNIT 5  网络营销
  Lesson 10  网络营销介绍
  Lesson 11  网络营销的主要策略
UNIT 6  电子商务物流
  Lesson 12  电子商务物流概述
  Lesson 13  物流信息技术
UNIT 7  电子支付概述
  Lesson 14  电子银行与电子支付
  Lesson 15  电子支付系统:分析和分类比较
UNIT 8  电子商务安全
  Lesson 16  电子商务安全威胁
  Lesson 17  电子商务安全控制
UNIT 9  法律与税收
  Lesson 18  网站法律常识
  Lesson 19  电子商务税收
UNIT 10  物联网
  Lesson 20  物联网的概述
  Lesson 21  物联网的应用
UNIT 11  移动电子商务
  Lesson 22  移动电子商务和应用
  Lesson 23  移动电子商务价值链
附录C  各短文练习题的参考答案
