Part Ⅰ Ancient WorldChapter 1 Civilizations in the Ancient Near East1.Introduclion2.CMlizcrlion in Mesopotamia2.1 Brief history of Mesopotamia2.2 The Cuhural Achievements of Mesopotamia3.Ancient Egyptian Civilization3.1 Egypt:“The Gift of the Nile”3.2 A Brief History of Ancient Egypt3.3 Ancient Egyptian Culture and Society4.The Hebrews:History and Religion4.1 “The Children of Israel”:A Brief History4.2 Israelite Religion:Judaism5.ConclusionExercisesChapter 2 Greek Civilization1.Introduction2.History of the Ancient Greeks2.1 Eady Greece2.2 The Dark Age(1200_750 BC)2.3 The Archaic Period(750—_500 BC)2.4 The Classical Period f500—338 BC)2.5 The Hellenistic Period(323q1 BC)3.CulturaI Achievements of the Ancient Greeks3.1 Religion and Mythology3.2 Philosophy3.3 Science3.4 Literature3.5 Historiography3.6 Art4.Conclusion……Part Ⅱ The Medieval WorldPart Ⅲ Tansition from Middle Ages to Early Modern Era参考文献