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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语大学英语研究生英语视听说教程



定 价:¥39.00

作 者: 李志凌 主编
出版社: 重庆大学出版社
标 签: 硕士/博士


ISBN: 9787562461166 出版时间: 2011-09-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 289 字数:  


  《研究生英语视听说教程》是专门针对研究生阶段英语教学的综合型听力教材。共设20个单元,2个小测验和1个期末测试。20个单元主题分别涉及:语言、民族、环保、婚姻家庭、艺术、西方文化、法律、农林、通讯交通、计算机和网络、旅游、经济、文学、中国传统文化、社会问题、医学健康、东盟、哲学、体育和教育。每个单元由5至6个部分组成,单元内容主要包括:1个专题知识学习板块(Preview),两个课堂训练板块(Section A,B),两个课外自习板块(Section C,D),1个口语交际策略讲练和1个课外娱乐环节。本教材可供不同专业的研究生英语听说教学使用,也可作为英语专业本科年级听力课程的辅导教材,同时适合具有较为扎实的英语基础的外语爱好者或语言研究者参考使用。




Unit 1 Physical Education
Section A Watching, Listening and Speaking-Skate Like a Girl (Video)
Section B Watching, Listening and Speaking-Female Football Freshman (Video)
Section C Home Watching and Discussing-Student Gets His Chance?(Video)
Section D Home Watching and Exercising-Indian Cricket Fans Cheer for Their Team (Video)
Section E Speaking Strategy-Responding Actively by Using Minimal Re sponses in a Conversation
Section F Enjoy Yourself-Music Entertainment (Video)
Unit 2 Traveling
Section A Watching, Listening and Speaking -Leshan Buddha (Video)
Section B Listening and Speaking-Finding Shanghai Food (Audio)
Section C Home Listening-Asia's Travel Also Singed by Iceland's Volcano (Audio)
Section D Home Dictation-The Temple of Heaven (Video)
Section E Speaking Strategy-Mind Exchange and Communication
Section F Enjoy Yourself-Music Entertainment (Audio)
Unit 3 ASEAN
Section A Watching, Listening and Speaking-Lost City of Angkor Wat(Video)
Section B Listening and Speaking-Organic Farming Sprouts Slowly in Thailand (Audio)
Section C Home Watching and Listening-Closely Neighboring Monkeys in Singapore (Video) Section D Home Dictation and Reciting-The Moken: Myanmar Sea Nomads (Video)
Section E Speaking Strategy-Varying Expressions
Section F Enjoy Yourself-Music Entertainment (Video)
Unit 4 The World We're Lrvingin
Section A Watching, Listening and Speaking-President Obama's Speech in Shanghai(Video)
Section B Watching, Listening and Speaking-The Twin Towers Fell(Video)
Section C Home Watching and Listening-Job Seekers Are Finding Jobs in Asia (Video)
Section D Home Assignment-Ban Ki-Moon's Remark on International Women's Day (Video)
Section E Speaking Strategy-Mind Exchange and Communication
Section F Enjoy Yourself-Music Entertainment(Video)
Unit 5 Marriage and Family
Section A Listening and Speaking-Love in the Brain (Audio)
Section B Listening and Speaking-Breaking the Code for Better Parent-Teen Communication (Audio)
Section C Home Listening-Child Marriage (Aud/o)
Section D Home Watching and Dictation-How to Send Flowers on Valentine's Day?(Video)
Section E Speaking Strategy-Mind Exchange and Communication
Section F Enjoy Yourself-Music Entertainment(Audio)
Unit 6 Communication and Transportation
Section A Watching, Listening and Speaking-Facebook's Communication Problems(Video)
Section B Watching, Listening and Speaking-Faster Transportation
Unit 7 Environment-Global Warming or Global Cooling?
Unit 8 Education
Unit 9 Economy
Unit 10 Languages We Live-by
Unit 11 Health Problems
Unit 12 Chinese Culture
Unit 13 Religions in Western Cultures
Unit 14 Computers and the Internet
Unit 15 Etlmic Peoples and Their Cultures
Unit 16 Agriculture
Unit 17 Literature
Unit 18 Arts
Unit 19 Law and Lawsuits
Unit 20 Pbilosophy and Its Postmodern Variants Final Exam
