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定 价:¥39.00

作 者: 李本现 主编
出版社: 西安交通大学出版社
丛编项: 21世纪英语专业系列教材
标 签: 英语专业


ISBN: 9787560540320 出版时间: 2011-09-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 382 字数:  






Unit One Concepts and Principles Related to Intercultural Communication
Mini Case Talk to Let Others Know You Want to
Reading One Basic Principles of Intercultural Communication
Mini Case The Chinese Student Has No Idea about Personal View
Reading Two Understanding Intercultural Communication
Unit Two Variations of Culture and Language and Their Subtle Implications
Mini Case The Korean Morn Was Mad about Her Son's Decision
Reading One Levels of Culture
Mini Case "I Have Really Had Enough" Is Not Enough
Reading Two Language and Intercultural Communication
Unit Three Language and Culture
Mini Case Please Be Punctual
Reading One Verbal Code
Mini Case How Can You Invite Us to Sit Naked
Reading Two Culture, Language and Online Dispute Resolution
Unit Four Culture and Nonverbal Codes
Mini Case What's Wrong with My Friendly Pat on His Back
Reading One Perspective on Nonverbal Intercultural Communication
Mini Case Zhiang Walked Off toward the Cafeteria Alone
Reading Two Communicative Codes: Nonverbal Aspect
Unit Five Cultural Influences on Context
Mini Case A Packed Lunch
Reading One Culture and Foreign Language Teaching
Mini Case Robert Was Not a Guy to Make Friends with
Reading Two Culture and Its Implications to Management
Unit Six Culture and Its Shaping Power
Mini Case The Spinal Tap Mustn't Be Done Before My Husband Comes
Reading One The Role of Culture in Health Communication
Mini Case How Can Honey Lubricate My Lungs
Reading Two Intercultural and Cross-Cultural Health Communication
Unit Seven Intercultural Communication Issues
Mini Case Why They Treat Me Like This
Reading One Culture, Communication, and Conflict
Mini Case What a Poor Service
Reading Two A Comparison of Thinking and Writing Patterns in Korea and the United States
Unit Eight Some Concerns in Cross-Cultural Communication Studies
Mini Case Montreal to London
Reading One Thinking Dialectically about Culture and Communication
Mini Case Suzanne Was Left Puzzled by Her Taiwanese Boyfriend
Reading Two From "Context" to "Contexts" in Intercultural Communication Research
