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当前位置: 首页出版图书科学技术自然科学化学分析化学和定量分析(英文版)



定 价:¥88.00

作 者: (美)哈格 等著
出版社: 机械工业出版社
标 签: 分析化学


ISBN: 9787111367260 出版时间: 2012-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 696 字数:  


  本教材层次分明,条理清楚,阐述了定量分析化学、分析实验室及分析研究的科学理论的概念,理论与实际相结合,符合人才培养目标及课程教学的要求。书中对各部分知识归纳总结得很好,分类明确,由浅入深,适合于各个层次的读者。对于教师来说,这本书也可以当做很好的教材,编写灵活,适合多种教学方式。这本教材的编写比较有特色,它采用了先提出问题的方式,学生带着问题去学习基础理论,让学生认识到每种分析方法的价值和用途。在讲解过程中穿插习题,让学生很快地将理论知识用于为解决实际问题所设计的“挑战性问题”和“讨论与报告”部分,进一步提高了学生的创新能力和开放性研究能力,对于学生综合素质的提高比较有帮助。 教材内容主要包括实验玻璃器具、实验记录本和对实验数据进行评价和对比,综述了化学平衡中的基础问题,并用基础知识来说明经典分析方法,如重量分析法、滴定法的原理和适当的应用,同时也引导学生学习一些常见的仪器分析技术,像光谱学、色谱学和电化学方法。本教材的每一章都安排有几个小组,每个小组有常见的问题。这种设计可以使读者用多种方式从一个主题浏览到另一个主题,比如,一个学生需要化学平衡和相关计算的训练,他可以在第6章第3节中学习这部分知识。然而,那些对这部分知识已经有很好基础的同学可以跳到后面的章节来学习其他分析技术,比如重量分析法和滴定法。如果教师想在讲经典分析方法前先介绍一些仪器分析方法的话,可以利用前几章介绍一下化学分析的大体背景,然后再介绍电化学、光谱学或者色谱学。我们认为这个版本给了教师在运用这本书时最大的灵活性,不管他是用一学期来讲解分析化学,还是用传统的两学期中的一部分以先讲定量分析,后讲仪器分析的顺序来讲授。




Chapter 1 An Overview of Analytical Chemistry
1.1 Introduction: The Case of the Mysterious Chemist
1.2 The History of Chemical Analysis
1.2 A Origins of Chemical Analysis
1.2 B Chemical Analysis in the Modern World
1.3 General Terms Used in Chemical Analysis
1.3 A Sample-Related Terms
1.3 B Method-Related Terms
1.4 Information Provided by Chemical Analysis
1.5 Overview of Text
Key Words
Other Terrns
Chapter 2 Good Laboratory Practices
2.1 Introduction: A Question of Quality
2.1 A What Are Good Laboratory Practices?
2.1 B Establishing Good Laboratory Practices
BOX 2.1 : The Polymerase Chain Reaction
2.2 Laboratory Safety
2.2 A Common Components of Laboratory Safety
2.2 B Identifying Chemical Hazards
BOX 2.2 : Detemining the Safety of Chemicals
2.2 C Sources of Information on Chemicals
2.2 D Proper Handling of Chemicals
2.3 The Laboratory Notebook
2.3 A Recommended Notebook Practices
2.3 B Electronic Notebooks and Spreadsheets
2.4 Reporting Experimental Data
2.4 A The SI System of Measurements
2.4 B Significant Figures
Key Words 31
Other Terms 31
Chapter 3 Mass and Volume Measurements
3.1 Introduction: J. J. Berzelius
3.2 Mass Measurements
3.2 A The Determination of Mass
3.2 B Types of Laboratory Balances
BOX 3.1 : Atomic Force Microscopy
3.2 C Recommended Procedures for Mass Measurements
3.3 Volume Measurements
3.3 A The Determination of Volume
3.3 B Types of Volumetric Equipment
3.3 C Recommended Procedures for Volume Measurements
3.4 Samples, Reagents, and Solutions
3.4 A Describing Sample and Reagent Composition
3.4 B Solution Preparation
Key Words 58
Other Terms
Chapter 4 Making Decisions with Data
4.1 Introduction: Take Me Out to the Ball Game?
4.1 A Types of Laboratory Errors
4.1 B Accuracy and Precision
4.2 Describing Experimental Results
4.2 A Determining the Most Representative Value
4.2 B Reporting the Variation in a Group of Results
4.3 The Propagation of Errors
4.3 A Addition and Subtraction
4.3 B Multiplication and Division
4.3 C Logarithms, Antilogarithms, and Exponents
4.3 D Mixed Calculations
4.4 Sample Distributions and Confidence Intervals
4.4 A Describing the Variation in Large Data Sets
4.4 B Describing the Variation in Small Data Sets
BOX4.1 Who Was "Student"?
4.5 Comparing Experimental Results
4.5 A General Requirements for the Comparison of Data
4.5 B Comparing an Experimental Result with a Reference Value
4.5 C Comparing Two or More Experimental Results
BOX 4.2 Selecting a Confidence Level
4.5 D Comparing the Variation in Results
4.6 Detecting Outliers
4.6 A General Strategy in Handling Outliers
4.6 B Statistical Tests for Outliers
4.7 Fitting Experimental Results
4.7 A Linear Regression
4.7 B Testing the Goodness of a Fit
Chapter 5 Characterization and Selection of Analytical Methods
5.1 Introduction: The Vinland Map
5.2 Method Characterization and Validation
5.2 AAccuracy and Precision
BOX 5.1 :A Claser Look at Small Samples
Chapter 6 Chemical Activity and Chemical Equilibrium
Chapter 7 Chemical Solubility and Precipitation
Chapter 8 Acid-Base Reactions
Chapter 9 Complex Formation
Chapter 10 Oxidation-Reduction Reactions
Chapter 11 GravimetricAnalysis
Chapter 12 Acid-Base Titrations
Chapter 13 Complexometric and Precipitation Titrations
Chapter 14 An Introduction to Electrochemical Analysis
Chapter 15 RedoxTitrations
Chapter 16 Coulometry, Voltammetry, and Related Methods
Chapter 17 An Introduction to Spectroscopy
Chapter 18 Molecular Spectroscopy
Chapter 19 Atomic Spectroscopy
Chapter 20 An Introduction to Chemical Separations
Chapter 21 Gas Chromatography
Chapter 22 Liquid Chromatography
Chapter 23 Electrophoresis
Answers to Selected Questions
