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定 价:¥32.00

作 者: 齐桂芹 主编
出版社: 哈尔滨工业大学出版社
标 签: 公共课


ISBN: 9787560334462 出版时间: 2012-02-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 168 字数:  


  本书无论从内容还是难度,都竭力满足大学英语后续选修课的需要,也适合个人加强视、听、说训练的要求。本书主要对象为非英语专业的大学本科生,作为大学英语四级后的英语视听说教程,本书也可供研究生、大学英语教师及广大英语爱好者参考使用。 本书编写的整个过程中,编者们大量的教学实践丰富了教材的内容,增强了教材的针对性。同时,也得到了韩哲教授、张敏教授、史光孝教授和安秉哲教授的指导,在此深表感谢。由于力求材料内容的新颖和知识性,个别材料的难易程度与理想存在差距,为此,我们诚恳希望读者批评指正。




Unit 1 Educatiorn
Section 1 Lead-In: Back to School Speech
Section 2 In Depth Listening
Passage 1 Online Education
Section 3 Interview
Section 4 Video Clip: Mr. Holland's Opus
Section 5 Sing Along Better Man
Unit 2 Culture
Section 1 Lead-In: Muslims Working in the United States
Section 2 In-Depth Listening
Passage 1 Chinese Traditional Culture
Passage 2 Christmas Trees Are Not the Only Hot Plants This Time of Year
Section 3 Interview
Section 4 Video Clip: Aliens in America
Section 5 SingAlong Jingle Bells
Unit 3 Relationship
Section 1 Lead-In: A Speech by the U.S. President
Section 2 In-Depth Listening
Passage 1 Family, Friends Help You Live Longer
Passage 2 My Stepfather, My Friend
Section 3 Interview
Section 4 Video Clip: Modern Family
Section 5 Sing Along The Best Thing About Me Is You
Unit 4 Music
Section 1 Lead-In: A Dialogue Between Tony and Nancy
Section 2 In Depth Listening
Passage 1 Are You Learning Englishl These Songs May Help
Passage 2 Jimmy Dean
Section 4 Video Clip: Glee
Section 5 Sing Along Country Roads
Unit 5 Past Events
Section 1 Lead-In: DEC Tsunami Earthquake Appeal.
Section 2 In Depth Listening
Passage 1 The Nuclear Catastrophe in Japan
Passage 2 Devastarion Hampers Earthquake Relief Effort in Haiti
Section 3 Interview
Section 4 Video Clip: The King's Speech
Section 5 Sing Along Blowing in the Wind
Unit 6 Social Work
Section 1 Lead In: Social Work.
Section 2 In-Depth Listening
Passage 1 Social Work Enters New Stage in China
Passage 2 Volunteer Experts Help Businesses in Deve.loping Economies
Section 4 Video Clip: Good Will Hunting
Section 5 Sing Along Whatever Will Be, Will Be
Unit 7 Health
Section 1 Lead-In: Healthy Eating
Section 2 In-Depth Listening
Passage 1 Health Smoking Studies
Passage 2 Human Health Depends on Biodivers'ity
Section 4 Video Clip: Extraordinary Measures
Section 5 Sing Along Bressanone
Section 1 Lead In: Shopping
Unit 8 Shopping
Section 1 Lead In: Shopping
Unit 9 Food
Unit 10 Sports
Unit 11 Travel
Unit 12 Employment
Unit 13 Globalization
Unit 14 Environment
Unit 15 E-Times
Key to Exercises
