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定 价:¥38.00

作 者: 冯红琴,顾鸣镝 主编
出版社: 上海学林出版社
标 签: 其它英语考试


ISBN: 9787548602972 出版时间: 2012-03-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 165 字数:  






Chapter One A Brief Introduction to ITP TOEFL Listening
Chapter Two Test-based Skill Training on Short Conversations
 Topic 1 Accommodation
 Topic 2 Activities
 Topic 3 Administrative Issues & Campus Locations
 Topic 4 Class
 Topic 5 Clothing & Communication
 Topic 6 Conversational Exchanges
 Topic 7 Eating
 Topic 8 Health
 Topic 9 Shopping
 Topic 10 Talking About People
 Topic 11 Transportation
 Topic 12 Vacation
 Topic 13 Work
 Topic 14 Work: Academic
 Topic 15 OthersChapter Three Test-based Skill Training on LongerConversations
 Topic 1 Accommodation, Transportation & Vacation
 Topic 2 Activities
 Topic 3 Administrative Issues
 Topic 4 Campus Locations
 Topic 5 Teaching Staff & Textbooks and Study Materials
 Topic 6 Tests and Grades
 Topic 7 WorkChapter Four Test-based Skill Training on  Short Talks
 Short Talk 1 Anatomy class
 Short Talk 2 Anthropology class
 Short Talk 3 Art history class
 Short Talk 4 Biology class
 Short Talk 5 Criminology class
 Short Talk 6 Design lecture
 Short Talk 7 Genetics class
 Short Talk 8 History class: Gold Rush
 Short Talk 9 History class: Lincoln
 Short Talk 10 History class: Roanoke
 Short Talk 11 Meteorology classChapter Five ITP TOEFL Listening  Sample Tests
 Sample Test 1
 Sample Test 2
 Sample Test 3
 Sample Test 4
 Sample Test 5
Audio Script
Chapter Two Test-based Skill Training on Short Conversations
Chapter Three Test-based Skill Training on LongerConversations
Chapter Four Test-based Skill Training on  Short Talks
Chapter Five ITP TOEFL Listening  Sample Tests
