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The Boao Forum for Asia Asian Competitiveness Annual Report 2012

The Boao Forum for Asia Asian Competitiveness Annual Report 2012

定 价:¥125.00

作 者: 本社 编
出版社: 对外经贸大学出版社
标 签: 国际经济


ISBN: 9787566302878 出版时间: 2012-03-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 87 字数:  


  To fit into new situation and borrow ideas from the report oflast year,The Booo Forum for Asio Asion Competitiveness AnnuoIReport 2012 has been adjusted accordingly.Based on the negativeimpact of world economic recovery,the report of this year has laidsignificance on the investigation of the world economic environmenton the competitiveness of economies and enterprises.Considering theclose economic'connection between Oceania and Asia, the report ofthis year has added investigation on the competitiveness of majoreconomies and enterprises in Oceania-Australia and New Zealand.


暂缺《The Boao Forum for Asia Asian Competitiveness Annual Report 2012》作者简介


Part One Annual Report 2012-Competitiveness of AsianEconomies
Chapter 1 Internal and External Environments Affecting theCompetitiveness of Asian Economies
1.1 Global Economy Facing Unprecedented Challenges Again
1.2 Asian Macro-Economic Environment and Potential SystematicRisks
Chapter 2 Introduction to Competitiveness Index of AsianEconomies
2.1 Purpose and Philosophy of Evaluation
2.2 Introduction to Competitiveness Index of Asian Economies
2.3 Introduction to Competitiveness Indices of AsianEconomies
2.4 Adjustment and Explanation of Competitiveness Indices of AsianEconomies
Chapter 3 Evaluation Report of Competitiveness of AsianEconomies
3.1 Evaluated Economies
3.2 Final Ranking and Sub-item Ranking
3.3 AnalysisofEvaluation Results
Part Two Annual Report 2012-Competitiveness of Listed AsianEnterprises
Chapter 4 Influence of the World's Economy on the Competitivenessof the Listed Asian Enterprises
4.1 Asian Enterprises Struggling in Slow Economic Recovery in theWorld
4.2 Channels Through Which Global Economic Changes Influence theCompetitiveness of Asian Enterprises
4.3 Strategies for Asian Enterprises to Adapt to the Changes in theGlobal Economy
Chapter 5 Introduction to the Competitiveness Index of the ListedAsian Enterprises
5.1 Introduction to the Competitiveness Index of the Listed AsianEnterprises
5.2 Introduction to the Competitiveness Indices of the Listed AsianEnterprises
Chapter 6 Evaluation Report of the Competitiveness of the ListedAsian Enterprises
6.1 Selected Listed Asian Enterprises
6.2 Evaluation Result and Related Analysis
6.3 Result and Analysis of Sub-item Evaluation
Chapter 7 Competitiveness of Listed Asian Enterprises-Rankings2011
7.1 Rankings 2011 by Comprehensive Capacity:Listed AsianEnterprises'Competitiveness(300)
7.2 Rankings 2011 by Categories:Listed AsianEnterprises'Competitiveness(4×50)
7.3 Rankings 2011 by Regions:Listed AsianEnterprises'Competitiveness(6×50)
7.4 Rankings 2011 by Industries:Listed AsianEnterprises'Competitiveness(52×10)
